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Be In the Know This Election Day

Don’t be in the dark this Election Day. Contact your unit’s voting assistance officer and get involved in democracy.

In November, voters across America will head for the polls to decide the next president of the United States of America. For those in the military, they will be electing a new commander-in-chief.

It is the duty of every American, but especially service members, to make an educated decision about who should lead the country. So many, however, do not know the steps involved or how to prepare in advance for voting. Don’t be in the dark this Election Day.

To obtain all necessary voting information, Marines and their families should contact their unit’s voting assistance officer or visit the Manpower and Reserve Affairs Voting page for more information.

Keep in mind these useful tips as you begin the voting process:

  • To be eligible to vote, you must be a U.S. citizen, a resident of the State in which you are registering and 18 years old on or before Election Day.
  • Registration must be completed 20 days before all primaries and elections.
  • You are eligible for absentee voting if you are absent from your registered county on Election Day, are ill or physically disabled, or are registered in a county, but are a member of the armed forces or a spouse or child of a service member.
  • Your voting assistance officer can assist you with registering, obtaining an absentee ballot and explaining the voting, registration and absentee ballot regulations which vary from state to state.

Regardless of whether you’re a service member, a spouse, a veteran, or simply a supporter, do your part to ensure the brightest future for America by casting your vote this Election Day.

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  • Carole Ann

    There is something wrong about a CIC who would hold military pay hostage to force Republicans to capitulate on the debt debate.

  • Franklin Robinson

    Go America and Exercise your right to Vote …Semper Fi Marines

  • fubar1967

    Voter suppression is a black eye for a
    country that sent thousands of Americans to fight and die from the jungle of
    Nam to the sands of Afghanistan, in the name of DEMOCRACY and take those rights
    away here at home! If it was up to me you all should be charged (with the TO

  • Baron Wolt

    HM2 Here from 1/7 circa 1993 and 5 years before. Suicide Charlie forever! No Obama, no more.

  • 4merMarine

    We do not need a draft dodger as CIC, Mr. Money bags has employed his 5 sons to NOT join the military, that’s American for u!!

  • 4merMarine

    I sure as hell don’t want a draft dodger as CIC, someone that has 5 sons none have joined the Military because RoMney is more important to them.

  • Sandrafromsc

    Vote the best you can, given your choices. It may come down to the lesser of evils scenario. Remember what wasn’t considered “important issues” concerning our troops the past 4 years. Remember “the political undermining” of our Country the last 4 years. Then look for the man who is an honest to God American. One who truly has the people and the country best interest as HIS REASON for wanting the job as president. Look at what their motives could be to want that job. We all fall short in some ways, the office of president is no exception. But some by there actions have clearly fallen to another realm and should probably stay there.

  • Allison

    I hadn’t heard about empty weapons, but I heard from guys who were there at the time that they were ordered not to return fire.  How stupid is that?!

  • Masterheader1

    Our CiC is someone that surports our troops and is not afraid to give the go order ,You wont be asked to go stand duty ,or in a war zone with empty weapons like what happened to the Marines  in Beruit.    L/C P. Larkin 57/63 USMC

  • SSgt. Motivater

    haha i agree.  we need a new CINC.  Semper Fi Marines.

  • John Mathus

    wtf are you on about?


    A Commander-in-Chief not neccessarily a new CINC