2D MAW ~ Second To None


2nd Marine Aircraft Wing

2nd MAW News

New Al Asad hospital built to serve, save

March 26, 2007 — When a service member is wounded in combat, his comrades quickly apply first aid and call for a medical evacuation; taking the first steps towards saving his life. When the helicopter arrives, the wounded man is loaded and transported to the hospital, where he is met at the landing pad by a team of medics and doctors who rush the service member MORE
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Warriors, Gunrunners form one-two punch at Al Asad

March 26, 2007 — “We live here. You just visit.” That is what is written below the Marine Light Attack Helicopter Squadron 167 logo painted outside Al Asad’s Tactical Air Control Center as a testament to their status here. The “Warriors” of HML/A-167 and their fellow East Coast squadron, the “Gunrunners” of HML/A-269 share a deployment cycle to Al Asad with only MORE
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Ordnance Marine reflects on career, looks forward to future

March 26, 2007 — The Marine Corps has always held high standards, in everything from appearance to work.  Most Marines strive to meet these standards and achieving them takes time and discipline.  One of those Marine is deployed here as a collateral duty inspector for the bomb rack and missile launcher shop at the Marine Aviation Logistics Squadron 29 ordnance MORE
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