Marines Blog

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Archive for July, 2010

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    CAX Stache

    It is ugly. It is annoying. Sand, shaving cream and food get stuck in it. And, since you let it grow wild, it is often out of regulation. The Marine Corps is packed with rules and regulations, including those on mustache grooming, but above all things — tradition shapes the Corps. The CAX Stache will upset people but, they understand the tradition.

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    Life while he’s gone

    This summer while Lance Cpl. Tom Geoco is supporting the war in Afghanistan, his wife Ashley will be giving birth to their third child. Their family is not alone – more than 10 families in America’s Battalion will be welcoming a new life, while their husbands are deployed.

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    Marine Corps body bearers maintain honor

    The Marine Corps’ body bearers have one of the most unique duties in the Corps. The group of 13 Marines carry the caskets of fellow Marines through the streets of Arlington National Cemetery and surrounding National Capital region cemeteries, as the last salute to fallen members of the 234-year-old brotherhood.

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    I’ve never seen combat but I live with combat stress

    The total number of victims claimed by the Global War on Terror may never be certain as many service members return from deployment to silently suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Sgt. Priscilla Sneden shares her experiences as the wife of a Marine living with PTSD.