United States Institute of Peace

The Iran Primer


Iran’s Economy Faces Grim 2013

Kevan Harris

U.S. Renews Iran Sanctions Waivers

            On December 7, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced the renewal of Iran sanctions exceptions for China, India, Malay

U.S. Sanctions Iran's Shipping and Energy Sectors

            On November 30, the U.S. Senate unanimously approved new sanctions on Iran’s energy and shipping sectors.

Sanctions Bite, Iran Scrambles

Gary Clyde Hufbauer 

Sanctions Bite, Iran Scrambles

Gary Clyde Hufbauer 

IMF Forecasts Limited Sanctions Impact

            The International Monetary Fund (IMF) forecasts economic growth and lower inflation for Iran in 2013, suggesting that sanctions ha

Treasury Links Iran Oil to Elite Military

           On Sept.

U.S. Treasury: Iran Oil Exports Down 55 Percent

On Sept. 12, Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence David Cohen announced that Iran’s crude oil exports have decreased by 55 percent since January 2012.

U.S. Sanctions Syrian Oil Company for Iran Support

On August 10, the United States “imposed sanctions on the Syrian state-run oil company Sytrol under the Iran Sanctions Act (ISA), as amended by the Comprehensive Iran Sanctions, Acc

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