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Goodbye ‘Birth Control Glasses’

(U.S. Marine Corps photos by Sgt. Mark Fayloga)

In the wake of the DoD's announcement of new standard-issue military glasses, a new study found that one out of five Marines is distraught over the loss of Birth Control Glasses. Correction: One Marine in the entire Marine Corps is upset about it. (U.S. Marine Corps photos by Sgt. Mark Fayloga)

The standard-issue spectacles, S9s, most widely known as “Birth Control Glasses,” or BCGs, are soon to become a thing of the past.

In the coming months, recruits from all branches of service will be issued 5As, a more modern, hipster-chic pair of glasses. While the 5As are inarguably more aesthetically pleasing, they offer very little help as a contraceptive. Also PFLGs (Perfectly Fine-Looking Glasses), or TIGTABCYTPNGs (These? I Got Them At Boot Camp. Yeah, They’re Pretty Nice Glasses) doesn’t have the same ring as BCGs.

If this is the death of Birth Control Glasses, let this stand as their eulogy.

Birth Control Glasses, labeled lovingly so because they’re so ugly you don’t stand a chance of finding a partner while wearing them, have always been the great equalizer. Even the most Handsome Harry and Sexy Sally are humbled by their wear. At boot camp, there are many things that break down individual identity and reinforce a unit mentality, but the BCGs do this exceptionally well. Recruits forced to wear them share the bond of constantly thinking, “I look like an idiot in these things.” Meanwhile, all the other recruits are thinking, “Look at those idiots,” and, “I hope my drill instructor didn’t just see me scratch that itch.”

The BCGs are like reverse beer-goggles. They can turn even a 10 into a two. Certainly you’ve heard of Brad Pitt, movie star and former sexiest man alive. And you more than likely know of Drew Carey, television star and former Marine. Here’s a little known secret, that’s the same guy. His real name is Hans Vandersmit. He’s a woodworker from Oregon who wanted to make it big in Hollywood and figured he’d have better chances if he created two distinct personas — surprisingly he found success with both alter egos. One you know as the global star, philanthropist and heartthrob. The other wears mock BCGs and hosts The Price Is Right.

As ugly as the BCGs may be, they always got the job done. They are sturdy, they are reliable, and they are ugly see-through. They have provided clarity for Marines on Iwo Jima just as they have for Marines in Fallujah. They will be missed.

Just as the sun shines through after a heavy rain, all is not dark after the loss of the BCGs. The nation as a whole, and the military especially is looking to cut spending, commit to cleaner energy and find ways to save. With the use of the newer glasses the savings will be tremendous. With the same amount of plastic and glass it takes to make one pair of BCGs, you can make six pairs of the new glasses. Unfortunately all of that money will not be saved, but redirected to TRICARE to compensate for the spike in pregnancies by service members who are no longer wearing BCGs.

As with any good eulogy, let us remember the legacy of the BCGs with a poem. Unfortunately my Robert Frost book of poems is loaned out, so here’s a haiku:

Too thick  frames appear
Taking their place on my face
Women are repulsed

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  • Sterlingglory24

    That’s just too funny love the poem!! Time to shoot them BCGs LOL

  • Charmain A. Jones

    I know…mine too ;-D!!

  • Clarkhamblen

    man I wish my Marine Corps issued glasses looked this good!!!! the ones they handed out in 1973 did not even look this fashionable! sheez!

  • Parker Gabriel

    G.I. eye-glasses were NOT universally popular.
    There was a REASON the pejorative, derogatory nickname “Birth-Control Glasses” got hanged on them, and it was a negative one!

  • Deadwalker06

    hey ive always watched ya before i joined the marines now iv’e been in now for like a good year and 8 months. already did my deployment to afghanistan and on leave right now what do you think would a good choise to pck for my next deployment because im looking at trying to get on another deployment to afghan if not their Australia. if ya could hit me back let me know what ya think. take care now bye bye then. deadwalker06@yahoo-P66H6TP55T6XV5KPNUSK4GNN2Y:disqus .com

  • Fintv

    Me too.  And I started with the old black BCG’s and then graduated to the brown ones.  Still, four kids.  Guess my wife needed a pair of them too.  LOL.

  • Fintv

    Me too.  And I started with the old black BCG’s and then graduated to the brown ones.  Still, four kids.  Guess my wife needed a pair of them too.  LOL.

  • Jay Ellis

    why they don’t just do corrective surgery

  • Tiffany

    Awesome! I’m borrowing this.

  • Rzbz

    Better than the old wire frames.

  • laurie

    The military is getting rid of them but kids are now wearing the nerdy sort of glasses! Go figure lol!

  • Sr Dunlap

    It mentioned they’ll still be avaiable to retirees…another good reason to ship over?

  • Anonymous

    With mine ( 1987) I looked JUST like this guy!!!  Between the ears and the “old-school” BCGs I was lethal with the ladies!

  • fontaneous

    We all love Chesty, but let’s face it; he wouldn’t have made it in today’s corps. Look at all the trouble he got in-he woulda been discharged fer sure. bye BCGs.

  • Perfecttiming

    Love the way you presented this story; very entertaining :) .

  • Alan Woodbury

    The BC’s of the 80′s, that was bad then those came out.Always can hear my drill instructor “Come here moonbeams!!” still makes me laugh today.

  • Jim

    My BCG sunglasses weren’t too bad.

  • James Brown

    I feel that something wonderful and very American has died. Please reconsider. It’s kind of like the last episode of “The Wonder Years”, the death of a pet, or the end of childhood. “I never wanted it to end”. =(

  • Ibsmith02

    What is going to be now? the new marine GQ look so they don’t have to go and fight and possibly break their glasses.

  • Dave Annarino

    Nice bit of writing.  

  • Gr8t_dad

    I entered the Corps with the black BCG’s and we thought the brown were a huge upgrade. Especially when tinted.

  • Tlausmc

    The ones we had in the mid 80s looked nothing like those above and if you got the tinted ones they looked almost like Ray Bans. Of course the Gunny hated the tinted ones in formation, but I had a chit from BAS so, too bad.

  • SgtHaacksWife

    Awwww I always found them sexy on Marines!!!

  • Andy Molina

    Port holeeeessssss. Come hear port holessssss…. The sweet words the new marines will not hear in boot camp… As they say things come and go. BCG’s is one of thoses things that are gone but not forgotten. :/ lol

  • Eric Stephens

    That is very funny stuff. Well done Sergeant.

  • John Wesley Reid

    This brought a tear to my eye…

  • Valerie Nash

    That was fantastic!!!!  I’m gonna have to borrow this too! :D

  • firman

    Bcgs are as much a part of the uniform as theblood stripe and EGA…chesty is turning in his grave

  • Gary Hicks1

    The Air Force issued me a pair of those things ( thank you Lord for LASIK!)
    Not only  did I look like geek I could not see! They never got my scrip right…..

  • Jesscali21

    Sad the money is being redistributed for women who are pregnant when there is real needs for those who served and are serving still.

  • Vinniegoose

    When I first went into the Corps they issued the black frame, horned rimmed, Buddy Holly style glasses.  NOW THOSE WERE BIRTH CONTROL GLASSES.  The ones they issued later (The ones pictured above) came out afterwards, and they were pretty bad still, but not as tradiational or ugly as the Buddy Holly type. 

  • Gengarner

    Awww I still have my BCGs, the sunglasses and my gas mask inserts.  The best part was on the rifle range in boot camp putting a boot band around the center and the dork strap on the back.  LOL

  • Bob Stockham

    Anything that drew attention to you in boot camp was not normally considered an asset. I would watch the DI scan the platoon before settling on (me) “you, five eyes, get your arse up here!”

  • Gadgetetc

    The “new” black frames are the same as my1975 USMC issue. Goes around comes around.

  • Rebecca Jaymi

    As I stated..some of us think they are sexy.

  • Rebecca Jaymi

    I happen to think they are sexy…lol but it doesn’t upset me to see them go.

  • Guy Manningham

    That’s a bunch of crap. How else do you pick out the NERRDS for hazing!?! I had to wear BCGs when I was a boot. They make you tougher, kinda like being the soldier named Sue. Some traditions should never die.

  • Christopher Kimball1984

    I always thought I looked stunning in BCGs. I am told I am crazy to think I look stunning in the first place. 

  • Cori

    Haha, me and my best friend joke about my BCGs now. My kill hat (drill instructor that shows the “tough love”) had her sights set on me because the BCGs ate up basically my entire face and she thought I looked ridiculous (I did, I looked like a big eyed owl, just not as cute). We joke about it now, but there was a special kind of self-esteem tearing that wasn’t shared by all. Personally, my BCGs got in the way because they were so big, especially on the rifle range. That’s the problem I had with them, along with the special attention and extra break down most BCG wearers get. I remember they let us get ready for graduation and my drill instructors gasped and cussed in shock when I got ready and was allowed to put my contacts in haha. I looked totally different. I like the Tricare comment in spiked pregnancies, funny. Like most things, you look back and laugh, but a part of me is happy they are going away.

  • Laforte1979

    The part at the end where it said money saved in reduced production costs will be diverted to Tricare costs to compensate for the spike in pregnancies was awesome!  I could not stop laughing!

  • lovetheusaorleave

    I wore them in the early 80′s and have 4 kids so they did not work so well

  • Marine Corps Production

    If you click on the “thing of the past” link it will take you to another article with a photo of the new glasses.

  • Dunnekus

    hilarious….where is the pic of the new ones?

  • Jimmy Shea

    Heck to the yeah!

  • Allison Morrow Chandler

    Thank You!

  • Marine Corps Production

    Feel free to share with everyone.

  • Allison Morrow Chandler

    Can I please post that on my facebook page with your name & all?

  • Jimmy Shea

    Ode to BCG’s

    The moment I dawned them, my vision was clear,Then I heard, “Hey there, Portholes, GET OVER HERE!!”
    I screamed, “aye, sir,” sprinting for my life,
    His hand pointed at me in the shape of a knife,
    He tapped on the frames, “hey, you friggin’ geek,”
    I said, “This–” and he screamed, “DID I ASK YOU TO SPEAK?!”
    For the rest of bootcamp, BCG’s were our eyes,
    You couldn’t wear contacts, trust me…I tried
    When we graduated, some continued to wear..
    the birth control glasses…I didn’t dare,
    They turn the Brad Pitt’s into Drew Carey’s,
    As the blog above said,
    And they were great contraceptives for things in the bed,
    Some made BCG Fridays, and I’m not gonna lie,
    My girlfriend would break up with me everytime Friday’s came by
    Saturday we’d be back, happy as can be…
    But in my heart I still kept, my BCG’s



  • Drew Geraci

    Great portraits! 

  • Steven Diaz