General Information

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About us

The Community, Education, Government and Public Affairs (CEGPA) Directorate develops best-in-class communications, science education, government relations and community involvement programs that advance the science and science education missions of the Laboratory, contribute to public understanding of science and enhance the value of the Lab as a community asset and to ensure that Laboratory internal and external stakeholders are properly informed and have a voice in Lab decisions of interest and importance to them. The Assistant Laboratory Director for CEGPA is Margaret Lynch.

Media & Communications Office

The Media & Communications Office provides media relations and internal communications services. This Office prepares publications for general audiences about the Laboratory and its work. Media and Communications also provides photography, video, and graphic design services.
Manager: Pete Genzer | Website 

Internal Communications

The Internal Communications Office manages programs to increase internal stakeholder awareness, understanding, and support of Lab initiatives; fosters two-way communications; and updates internal stakeholders on Lab priorities, news, initiatives, and events. 
: James Green

Office of Educational Programs

The mission of the Office of Educational Programs is to create a community of students, teachers, scientists, engineers and others who all share a passion for science education. From elementary school to college, this Office is dedicated to fostering the next generation of scientists.
: Ken White | Website

Web Services

CEGPA, in cooperation with the IT Division, is responsible for the design and administration of the Laboratory's website, including administration of the Laboratory's search engine, web communications policy, template design, information architecture, graphic design for the web, and the development of select dynamic applications.
Gary Schroeder | Website

Community Relations Office

The overarching goal of Brookhaven’s Community Involvement Program is to establish an effective partnership among the Department of Energy, the Laboratory, and a full range of community members to address issues that affect the community’s quality of life.
Manager: Jeanne D'ascoli | Website