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Altitude Research Studies Peak Performance

News & Information - The Mercury - December 2008 Mercury

Story and photos by Sarah Maxwell
Medical Research and Materiel Command

  A researcher analyzes blood drawn from volunteers to check their biological responses to altitude, as study subjects exercise on treadmills.
  A researcher analyzes blood drawn from volunteers to check their biological responses to altitude, as study subjects exercise on treadmills.

Looming in the distant skyline of Colorado Springs, Colo., Pike's Peak is one of the nation's most popular tourist destinations, hosting hundreds of thousands of visitors on its 14,110 foot summit each year. What most vacationers don't know as they peer across the serene landscape is that just a few hundred feet away researchers from the Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine are sharing the summit to advance military medicine.

For years research physiologists from USARIEM and research volunteers have spent their summers above the tree line to study ways of improving service members' capabilities in high altitude environments at the Maher Memorial Altitude Laboratory.

"The Army is very interested in any means to accelerate acclimatization," said USARIEM research physiologist Dr. Allen Cymerman. "We're obligated to have our troops knowledgeable and experienced in how to handle their environments."

Although the lab has been home to physiological research since it was placed on the peak in the late 1960s, the altitude sickness studies became even more relevant when troops were deployed to the mountains in Afghanistan.

Time needed to adjust

The mobility of the U.S. Army was sometimes too fast for the Soldiers' bodies to keep pace. Most people need time to acclimate to lower levels of oxygen in the air the higher they go, or they run the risk of developing Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS) or even more severe health issues, said USARIEM research physiologist Dr. Steve Muza, who has spent the last few summers on Pike's Peak.

"We scoop them up on helicopters, drop them off in the mountains, and they can become susceptible to problems," said Muza. "Our goal is to understand how the lack of oxygen affects Soldiers biologically and physiologically, and then take the information to mitigate or reduce them getting sick."

The effects of AMS run from minor annoyances of light headedness and a treatable headache to severe nausea. According to Cymerman, about 75 percent of people who venture above 8,000 feet without taking a few days to let their bodies adjust along the way will get some form of AMS. Less than 10 percent of people will react even stronger with life-threatening illnesses.

"Everyone has the same basic physiology," said Cymerman. "But some people can just adapt faster, for unknown reasons."

Research on the peak has led to the Federal Drug Administration's only approved altitude sickness prevention medicine, understanding nutrition and hydration effects, and other usable information for Soldiers in the field.

"For instance, we demonstrated that we can improve performance by 25 percent by eating more carbohydrates," said Muza. "We're now in the process of developing carbohydrates supplement packages."

Hypoxic chambers

This year's research focused on determining the effects of hypoxic chambers in preparing for Pike's Peak's altitude. The low-oxygen chambers are being used by world-class athletes to help condition their bodies to perform better, and 20 Soldiers and three civilians volunteered to sleep in them for seven days at USARIEM headquarters in Natick, Mass. They were then flown to Colorado for a five-day stay on the peak to see if the chambers, which gave them the equivalent of 8,000 feet acclimatization, actually improved their performance and adjustment to the altitude.

Adapting faster may have been on the mind of PVT Scott Caine. Obviously not feeling well on his second day at the peak with a pale, greenish hue to his skin, he explained why he volunteered for something he was warned would make him sick, if only for a short time.

"This is one of the main studies I wanted to do," said Caine. "I'm heading to the 10th Mountain Division, which is deployed right now. If they can alleviate some of these problems before I get there, it would be great."

Caine and the other volunteers were tested both at Natick and on the peak for how sick they became, what kind of physical work performance they had, their mental performance as well as their physiological response to the altitude. Under the watchful eye of a doctor, researchers and other medical professionals, the volunteers usually adapted to the environment after a few days.

With peoples' lives involved, the researchers can't take their responsibility to the volunteers lightly, said Cymerman. Every year the scientists have to get the projected research signed off by an institutional review board and an approving official, which can be a three-month review process, to ensure the volunteers are at a minimal health risk.

Not normal

"Although we are in a natural environment, it's not normal to take a Soldier and very rapidly place him at more than 14,000 feet," he said. "If (someone) wants out of the study, we take him out. We make sure volunteers are protected."

While the USARIEM researchers were protecting their volunteers, Caine said he was thinking about how his participation with the project was going to protect other Soldiers.

"This is great to be a part of," he said in between physical endurance tests. "A little bit of discomfort is OK because the help we're giving to the Soldiers outweighs anything I'm feeling right now."

From the December 2008 Mercury, an Army Medical Department publication.