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Information Technology Center

Information Technology Center, Fort Collins, COThe NRCS Information Technology Center (ITC) is located at the Natural Resources Research Center (NRRC) in Fort Collins, Colorado. The mission of the ITC is to develop application information systems to support the delivery of NRCS programs and services. The ITC is an operational support unit for field-oriented national information applications. ITC responsibilities include the development of field office web- and client-based applications, developing and supporting national databases, as well as technical support. A primary focus for the ITC is central management of software development, providing for consistency and compatibility across application information systems.

Conservation Delivery Development Team

Conservation Delivery Development TeamThe Conservation Delivery Systems Development Team is responsible for the development, maintenance, and support of core conservation delivery systems for the NRCS, including business applications to support the Conservation Delivery Streamlining Initiative, in order to optimize the delivery of natural resources conservation programs across the country.

IT Operations Team

ITC Operations TeamThe Information Technology Center Operations Team is comprised of four groups:  the Production Systems Operations team, responsible for application deployment, database administration, hosting integration, and day-to-day system operations, in addition to being first responders for disaster recovery; the IT Test Lab, which provides software testing and Common Computing Environment certification services, as well as supports Agency software pilots; the QA team, which collaborates with project managers and developers to drive quality improvements across the IT organization; and the ITC Help Desk, which provides technical support to the user community for Agency software applications and tools.

Natural Resources Development Team

Farmland in Northern Colorado utilizing a center pivot irrigation system.

The Natural Resources Development Team provides leadership for the development, maintenance, and support of foundation NRCS applications, supporting nearly every function within NRCS and across the entire Agency.  Applications supported by the team assist NRCS employees and partners with conservation planning, natural resource inventory and analysis, performance and accountability, and overall program and project management.