USDA: Livestock & Grain Market News
USDA United States Department of Agriculture   Livestock & Grain Market News
Agricultural Marketing Service
Livestock & Grain Market News
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About LGMN

The purpose of Market News :

The primary function of the Livestock and Grain Market News Division of the Livestock and Seed Program (LSP) is to compile and disseminate information that will aid producers, consumers, and distributors in the sale and purchase of livestock, meat, grain, and their related products nationally and internationally.

This information provides the industry with tools to determine where and when to buy and sell livestock, grain, and their related products. Market reports assist producers in their production planning and help promote orderly marketing by placing producers and others in the industry on a more equal bargaining basis. Related industries which process and distribute agricultural products also make considerable use of market reports to conduct and plan business operations. Statistics prepared by the Division are utilized by all segments of the industry and as basic data by agricultural colleges, universities, government agencies, and private research organizations.

Division Mission :

Provide to the agricultural industry accurate and unbiased marketing information depicting current conditions relating to the trade of livestock, meat, wool, grain, and feedstuffs that will promote orderly marketing and enhance competition.

In pursuit of this mission, our employees are committed to work with the industry to identify changes in the marketing structure and stay abreast of these changes to develop and revise market reports that foster trust and maintain the integrity of our service. Suggestions for improvements in procedures, data collection, and dissemination are encouraged and welcomed from the industry. Reports will reflect consumer preference through the marketing channels to aid the production and processing industry segments.

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