C-Change FHI Development 360 Program

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people acting out a drama scene
Drama scene from ‘New Year, New Me’ for in-school youth in Cross River State. Photo: Desmond Ajoko  
After South Africa and India, Nigeria has the third highest number of people estimated to be living with HIV/AIDS. Although the prevalence rates are relatively low compared to some other countries in sub-Saharan Africa, Nigeria is considered to be one of the “next wave” countries where increased prevention and treatment efforts could help stem the tide of a much more significant epidemic in the future.
Behavior change communication activities are critical for the prevention of new infections. The failure of prevention programs to substantially reduce HIV risk behaviorsfueled the development of the National Behavior Change Communication Strategy 2009-2014. This policy aims to provide a focus for behavior change communication activities and technical guidance for designing more effective interventions. 
C-Change is supporting Nigeria at the national level and in two federal states to improve social and behavior change communication programming in HIV prevention. The project supports the National Agency for the Control of AIDScommunication component and builds the capacity of Kogi and Cross River States Agencies for the Control of AIDS.  C-Change strengthens social and behavior change communication capacity through training and mentoring of implementing partners and non-governmental organizations and tertiary schools. C-Change improves the media response to HIV/AIDS through training and mentoring of journalists, and capacity building for media houses.


  • Project Name: C-Change
  • Life of Project: 2009 - 2014
  • Budget: $8,5000,000
  • Implementing Partner: FHI Development 360
  • Geographic Areas: Nation wide