Jim's Weekly Column

Contact: Wendy Riemann (202) 225-5101

Repealing Health Care

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Washington, Jan 20, 2011 -

This week, the House voted to repeal the health care law.  If you recall, this was the approximately 2,000 page piece of legislation that was voted on almost one year ago with no Republican input, and had many of us questioning whether mandating that citizens purchase health insurance was even constitutional.

After the House voted 245-189 on Wednesday to repeal the legislation, on Thursday, the House began working to draft replacement health care legislation.  We did this for two main reasons: first, because it’s in the best interest of our country, and second, it’s what our constituents wanted.  In town hall meeting after town hall meeting, constituents have repeatedly told my colleagues and me that this new Congress should focus on legislation that encourages job growth, cuts spending and shrinks the size of government.
Repealing the President’s trillion-dollar health care law— a massive and expensive government intrusion into the health care of Americans –demonstrates that we are listening.  

This is not to say that health care reforms aren’t necessary.  Republicans and Democrats agree that our health care system should be improved.  However, we must enact sensible reforms that address the core problem – the rising cost of health care— without increasing the size of government.  For example, we need real medical liability reform; we should allow Americans to purchase health coverage across state lines;  health care reform should empower small businesses to have greater purchasing power; incentives should be offered that encourage saving for future health needs; and we also must ensure that individuals with pre-existing conditions are not denied access.

Republicans want health care reform.  However, we want reform that makes sense and is done the right way – not creates one more open entitlement program that our country can ill-afford.  This week’s votes to repeal the law and replace it with something better are much-needed first steps.

It is my hope that my colleagues in the Senate will consider similar legislation because we need a real health care law that lowers costs and improves access while helping our economy prosper.


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