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United States Senate Committee on Agriculture Nutrition & Forestry

One Year Later - The Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act

Wednesday, June 15, 2011
09:30 AM
328A Russell Senate Office Building
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Panel 1

  1. The Honorable Gary Gensler
    Commodity Futures Trading Commission
    Washington , DC
  2. Dr. Michael Gibson
    Senior Associate Director, Division of Research and Statistics, Federal Reserve Board
    Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
    Washington , DC

Panel 2

  1. Hon. Brooksley Born
    Former Commissioner, Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission
    Former Chairperson, Commodity Futures Trading Commission
    Washington , DC
  2. Mr. Daniel Roth
    President and CEO
    National Futures Association
    Chicago , IL

Panel 3

  1. Hon. Charles Conner
    President and CEO
    National Council of Farmer Cooperatives
    Washington , DC
  2. Mr. Adam Cooper
    Senior Managing Director and Chief Legal Officer
    Citadel LLC on behalf of Managed Funds Association (MFA)
    Chicago , IL
  3. Mr. John Damgard
    Futures Industry Association
    Washington , DC