
Community Snapshots
Community Snapshot
View short reports with the most recent data on demographic and economic attributes and fisheries involvement of fishing communities in the NE. View >>
Productivity Workshop Results
A workshop held on June 11-12, 2012 brought together leading experts in the field of productivity and NMFS economists ....See more info and presentations >>
Community Vulnerability Indicators
Lisa Duke
SSB anthropologist Lisa Colburn presents new concepts and measures for fishing community vulnerability at the 2012 East Coast Forum (Duke U.)... [PDF] or Video
Voices from the Fisheries
Voices from the Fisheries
Explore our collection of podcasts and oral histories to better understand the human experience of fisheries in the Northeast region and across the US.... Visit website >>

Photo of the Month

Recreational fishing at Barnegat Light, NJ.

Damaged fishing gear after Superstorm Sandy, Shinnecock, NY. Credit: Lisa Colburn

Recent Publications

Magnusson GM, Bisack KD, Milliken HO. 2012. The Cost-effectiveness of Gear Research Relative to a Closure: Pound Nets and Sea Turtles as an Example. US Dept Commer, Northeast Fish Sci Cent Ref Doc. 12-01; 25 p.

Walden J. 2011. Summary of findings by the Center for Independent Experts regarding setting excessive share limits for ITQ fisheries. US Dept Commer, Northeast Fish Sci Cent Ref Doc. 11-22; 104 p

Brinson A, Lee M-Y, Rountree B. 2011.Direct marketing strategies: The rise of community supported fishery programs.Mar Pol 35 (2011) 542-548

Smith CL , Clay PM. 2010. Measuring subjective and objective well-being: analyses from five marine commercial fisheries. Hum Organ 69(2):158-168

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(File Modified Feb. 04 2013)