Some of the Fisheries Biology Staff

Robert Allman

Robert Allman

Research Fishery Biologist


M.S. - 1999, Florida State University, Biology
B.S. - 1990, University of West Florida, Biology

Research Interests:

Age and growth of reef fish and tuna and the influence of fishing and environmental factors on life history parameters.

Contact Robert Allman


Pam Colson

Pam Colson

Contact Pam Colson


Michelle Duncan

Michelle Duncan


M.S. – 2003, Clemson University, Fisheries Biology
B.S. – 2001, Savannah State University, Marine Biology

Research Interests:

Histology, analyzing thinly sectioned tissue from the gonads of snapper, grouper and large pelagic species to determine maturity, spawning duration and season. Previous research involved working with endangered and threatened species of sturgeon in the southeastern United States.

Outreach Interests:

Provide touch tank exhibits, beach seines and lab tours to Bay county K-12 students to explain the importance of environmental stewardship of the diverse fishes and invertebrates inhabiting St. Andrews Bay.

Contact Michelle Duncan


Carrie Fioramonti

Carrie Fioramonti

Fishery Biologist


M.S. - 2012, University of West Florida, Biology
B.S. - 2001, University of Florida, Botany and Zoology

Research Interests:

Life history of reef fishes and pelagics, including king and Spanish Mackerel, red grouper, gray triggerfish and greater amberjack.

Contact Carrie Fioramonti


Gary Fitzhugh, Ph.D.

Gary Fitzhugh

Research Fishery Biologist


Ph.D..- 1993, North Carolina State University, Zoology
M.S.. - 1982, Louisiana State University, Zoology
B.S.. - 1979, Illinois State University, Biology

Research Interests:

Fishery Science, biology and life history of reef and coastal pelagic fishes.

Contact Gary Fitzhugh


Laura Goetz

Laura Goetz

Biological Technician


B.S. - 2010, University of New England, Marine Biology and Environmental Science

Research Interests:

Use of acoustic telemetry to track spatial and temporal movement of fishes; Physiological ecology; Catch and bycatch in commercial fisheries; Diet and foraging ecology, including predator-prey relationships; Life history theory, especially reproduction and age and growth modeling.

Contact Laura Goetz


Erik Lang

Fisheries Biologist


MS - 2010, University of Southern Mississippi, Coastal Sciences
BS - 2007, Texas A&M University, Marine Biology

Research Interests:

Main research interests include life history (in particular reproduction) of fishes. Currently reworking how reproduction is viewed in fisheries management and what effects that may have on how we view the life history of the animal. In addition, how different reproductive strategies may influence juvenile recruitment. Lately these ideas apply to red snapper, triggerfish, and pigfish.

Contact Erik Lang


Linda Lombardi

Research Fisheries Biologist


Ph.D Candidate.  – University of Florida, School for Forestry and Natural Resources, Fisheries
M.S. – 2001, University of Mississippi, Biological Sciences
B.S. – 1996, University of North Carolina at Wilmington, Marine Biology

Research Interests:

Ecology and life history of fishes; Quantitative fisheries.

Contact Linda Lombardi


Stephen Theberge

Stephen Theberge

Fishery Biologist


MS - University of West Florida    1980-84   Biology (Coastal Zone Studies)
BS - University of Massachusetts  1977-79    Fisheries Biology

Research Interests:

Reducing by-catch mortality especially in reef fish suffering from Barotruama by working collaboratively with fishers, researchers, and fishery managers. Marine and Fisheries Biology education and outreach programs.


Contact Stephen Theberge

Hannah Trowbridge

Fishery Biologist


B.S..  – 2010, Valdosta State University, Biology

Research Interests:

Bomb radiocarbon analysis for Warsaw Grouper and Speckled Hind: age, growth, and migratory patterns for Blufin Tuna; stock assessment of commercially significant reef fish in the Gulf of Mexico; catch and bycatch in commercial fisheries.

Contact Hannah Trowbridge

Bill Walling

Bill Walling

Contact Bill Walling

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