
BS21 Corner

May 7, 2012

Backstop 21 Officers (BS21) work on the front lines of USAID's dealings with the private sector. In this inaugural issue of TradeNotes, we wish to announce ways to ensure BS21 Officers’ skills stay cutting-edge and our achievements regularly receive Agency-wide recognition--particularly amid the E3 reorganization and USAID's intensifying interest in private sector engagement.

New hiring mechanism for short-term consultants

May 7, 2012

The Office of Trade and Regulatory Reform (TRR) is overseeing a new mechanism for Missions and Offices to access technical expertise in a wide variety of EG-related specialties at the lowest cost to USAID.

The E3 Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) creates a roster of U.S. consultants who can be engaged directly by USAID (with no overhead to consulting firms) for assignments lasting up to 90 days without contracting officer approval.

Introducing E3, home to the former EGAT—and much more

May 7, 2012
Eric Postel, Assistant Administrator of E3

The Bureau for Economic Growth, Education and the Environment (E3), is USAID’s newest bureau. This reorganization gives those within the former Bureau for Economic Growth, Agriculture and Trade (EGAT) opportunities to work closely on cross-sectoral development with colleagues in education and the environment.

Recommended reading: New books and publications from the World Bank

May 7, 2012
Cover of Where to Spend the Next Million? Applying Impact Evaluation to Trade As

Recent publications advance thinking on exporting services, light manufacturing in Africa, the Doha Agenda, gender equality as an ingredient of economic growth, and evaluating the impact of trade assistance. Read on...                                      


Training gives 35 EG officers "diverse" look at international trade systems

May 4, 2012
Participants gather after March's Trade and Investment Training Course

March’s in-depth Trade and Investment Training Course gave 35 USAID officers from all over the world a broad—one participant called it “diverse”—overview of issues, trends, and regulatory infrastructure that make up the international trading system.

The training, March 5-9, from USAID’s Bureau of Economic Growth, Agriculture, and Trade (EGAT) organized sessions into issues facing producers and sellers at various points in the value chain, including: 

Customs modernization handbooks now available

March 23, 2012
PCA Handbook

 To help advance customs modernization and economic growth, the USAID-funded TCBoost project has developed several handbooks for customs authorities in developing countries that give step-by-step practical guidance on implementing authorized economic operators (AEO), post-clearance audit (PCA), and advance rulings programs.  

MEASURE Plus: Trade and Investment

Document Type: 
May 9, 2011
Indonesia has always exported a smaller share of its GDP than have its Southeast Asian neighbors. In 2009, for example, Indonesian exports were equivalent to 24% of GDP, versus 96% for Malaysia, 68% for Thailand and Vietnam, and 32% for the Philippines. One reason for this striking difference is that Indonesia is a much larger country than these comparators; larger countries tend to export smaller shares of GDP than do smaller countries.

USAID South Africa Success Story: DCC Adopts User Pay Principle for Corridor Sustainability

Document Type: 
November 1, 2008
The Dar es Salaam Corridor Committee (DCC) is a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) entity involving Malawi, Tanzania and Zambia. It facilitates trade by reducing transport costs and transit times on the corridor, which connects markets from the port of Dar es Salaam in Tanzania to Malawi, Zambia, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), and the rest of Central and Southern Africa...

USAID Southern Africa Success Story: “African Set” Appears in U.S. Supermarkets

Document Type: 
January 1, 2009
Since July 2007, millions of American consumers have been able to select from a wide range of specialty food products from Southern Africa and other corners of the African continent. The “African Set” includes 280 products from 24 companies, screened and chosen by the New Jersey-based Talier Trading Group, an international specialty food marketing company...

Egypt Assistance for Trade Reform (ATR) SOW

Document Type: 
March 1, 2002
The primary objective of the Assistance for Trade Reform (ATR) project was to enhance the capacity of the Ministry of Trade and Industry to design and implement trade policies to facilitate trade and promote growth.
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