
Promoting Gender Equitable Opportunities: Why It Matters for Agricultural Value Chains

Document Type: 
November 1, 2009
This USAID brief outlines key “evidence-based correlations” among gender equality, competitiveness, and empowerment that inform the GATE Project’s “Promoting Gender Equitable Opportunities in Agricultural Value Chains: A Handbook”: (1) Increasing asset equality between men and women improves growth in the agricultural sector; (2) Increasing gender equality in the labor market improves economic efficiency; and (3) Increasing opportunities for women improves equality and empowerment.

TCBaseline Customs Assessment Tool

Nathan Associates Inc.
Document Type: 
March 9, 2010
TCBaseline is a diagnostic tool that provides fast, comprehensive insight into border operations, moving from observation to actionable recommendations. TCBaseline provides a standard framework for examining operations, measuring the efficiency of processes, and estimating the potential economic impact of improvements.

TCBaseline Time Measurement Spreadsheet

Nathan Associates Inc.
Document Type: 
March 19, 2010
TCBaseline offers an approach uniquely suited to rapid assessment during a short field mission. It records the time required to process trucks arriving at a major commercial border crossing and the time required to process and release commercial goods at a cargo clearance office. The two-week timeframe of the TCBaseline assessment precludes sophisticated workload analysis.

Manual de Modernización de Aduanas

Nathan Associates Inc.
Document Type: 
April 14, 2010
El Manual del Programa de Operadores Económicos Autorizados es el cuarto de una serie de manuales de modernización de aduanas encargado por la USAID. El manual fue desarrollado por el proyecto de Apoyo Mundial para el Desarrollo de la Capacidad Comercial (TCBoost) de la USAID con importantes aportes de la OMA y del Servicio de Aduanas y Protección Fronteriza de EE.UU.
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