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Science Education Events

Science Education Events

Recognizing that vast improvements in science, technology, engineering and math are key to innovation and economic growth, the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) manages high-profile local and national education and research initiatives.

For example, scholarly competitions, summer education workshops and teacher professional development programs create excitement and inspire educators and students to pursue interests in scientific disciplines.

A few of the science education events we coordinate or manage include:

Geothermal power station

DOE EERE National Geothermal Student Competition

The DOE EERE National Geothermal Student Competition offers university-level students an opportunity to elevate the public profile of geothermal energy, DOE investments in geothermal technologies, and the potential for geothermal resources to provide a significantly larger share of the U.S. energy needs.

Tennessee Science Bowl

Tennessee Science Bowl

Students participate in this annual competition sponsored by DOE’s Oak Ridge Office and other local entities, including ORISE. The winning team earns the opportunity to compete in the DOE National Science Bowl in Washington, D.C.

National Science Bowl

National Science Bowl

High school student teams attend science seminars, compete to solve technical problems and answer questions in all branches of science and math. Participants gain a greater awareness of career options in science and technology.

ARC/ORNL Math-Science-Technology Summer Institute

ARC/ORNL Math-Science-Technology Summer Institute

High school educators and students from small, rural towns in Appalachia participate in this two-week, residential program that focuses on mathematical and scientific principles.

Lindau participants

Annual Meeting of Nobel Laureates and Students in Lindau, Germany

At this meeting, graduate student scientists draw upon the knowledge of Nobel Laureates in chemistry, physics, physiology or medicine through lectures, informal roundtable luncheons and other events.