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Mentor Training

Mentor Training

Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) research participation programs depend heavily upon mentoring leadership and guidance from the host facility. Faculty, project staff and others interested in serving as a mentor may ask themselves these questions:

  • How do I know if I have identified a project that offers a good mentoring experience?
  • How do I select a participant?
  • What is involved in hosting a participant?
  • What should I be ready to do on my participant’s first day?
  • What are some things I can do to provide my participant with the best possible experience?
  • What are some typical problems I may encounter, and what are some possible solutions for them?

To help answer these questions, ORISE provides mentor training through an online orientation program. The tutorial walks potential mentors through several sections of the mentoring process, including:

  • Identifying an appropriate project for the student-scientist
  • Preparing to host the participant
  • Orienting the participant
  • Providing a quality research experience
  • Troubleshooting problems that arise