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Laboratory Information and Services


National Veterinary Services Laboratories
APHIS laboratory services are provided by the National Veterinary Services Laboratories (NVSL) in Ames, Iowa and Orient Point (Plum Island), New York. The NVSL provides a wide variety of information and services, centered around diagnosis of domestic and foreign animal diseases, support of disease control and eradication programs, reagents for diagnostic testing, training, and laboratory certification.

Laboratory-Related Forms
Click here to obtain copies of laboratory-related forms.

Diagnostic Testing
Authorized individuals may submit specimens to the NVSL facilities for diagnostic testing. This section describes the types of tests performed at the NVSL and provides instructions for submitting samples. Includes statement regarding ownership of specimens.

Reagents and Proficiency Tests
Diagnostic reagents are produced by the National Veterinary Services Laboratories as needed when a commercial source of reagent is not available or when commercial sources are not fulfilling diagnostic needs. Click here to see a list of available reagents, including proficiency tests, and instructions for ordering.

Approved Laboratories
Some diagnostic testing may be conducted by APHIS-approved state, federal, or private laboratories. This section includes lists of laboratories currently approved by APHIS to conduct specific tests.

Diagnostic Training
NVSL provides a variety of courses on diagnostic testing, specimen collection, and disease recongition. Click here to learn more and to register for a course.

National Animal Health Laboratory Network (NAHLN)
The NAHLN is part of a nationwide strategy to coordinate the work of all organizations providing veterinary surveillance and testing services. Click here to learn more.


Last Modified: November 29, 2012

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