Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMSHA) administers the Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant Program is a major source of funding for substance abuse treatment services, and is therefore a vital resource for a subpopulation of individuals who are at a higher risk of homelessness.  According to analyses done by SAMHSA on state outcomes, 10 percent of those admitted to publicly-funded treatment programs are experiencing homelessness at time of admission, and substance abuse can make it very difficult for individuals to maintain housing stability. This funding serves as a key resource for substance abuse treatment for low-income individuals.

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Eligible Applicants:

First level: states, territories, tribes, and the District of Columbia.
Second level: Sub-grants are made to service providers and local organizations.

Eligible Beneficiaries:

Low-income individuals including those who are experiencing homelessness who also have a substance abuse disorder are the primary beneficiaries of community programs funded by this block grant.

Funding Mechanism:

Funding is allocated by formula to states territories and tribes, which then distribute funds to local and non-profit service providers.