United States Department of Veterans Affairs

Research Highlights

VA-Specific Software Wins Human Protection Award

Taken from the Veterans Health Administration Highlights dated February 7, 2003

New VA research software was cited for excellence by the group Public Responsibility in Medicine and Research at its recent national conference. Currently being used at 23 VA medical centers, the software was created to ensure strict adherence to human-subject-protection guidelines.

The VA-specific software, developed by a private company in conjunction with research administrators at the McGuire VA Medical Center in Richmond, Va., generates reports and reminders that make it easier for study personnel to comply with the myriad VA and external regulations for conducting studies, both with human and animal subjects. The software also allows users to document, audit and continually improve compliance.

According to Dr. Frankin Zieve, associate chief of staff for research at the McGuire medical center, the software is unique because it grew out of a successful Human Research Protection Program at a VA medical center. Human subject protection rests largely upon the meticulous observation of procedural safeguards. This software is a tool to ensure that this actually.