United States Department of Veterans Affairs

Research Highlights

Toxins as therapy

January 5, 2009

Veteran Donald Ruth, who suffers from dystonia, receives an injection of botulinum toxin (Botox) from VA’s Dr. Paul Fishman to help control severe spasms in hisneck muscles. Ruth’s sister Jean Filetti helps stabilize his head during the procedure. The toxin works by blocking nerve impulses to muscles in the injected area.

Spasm spoiler — Veteran Donald Ruth, who suffers from dystonia, receives an injection of botulinum toxin (Botox) from VA’s Dr. Paul Fishman to help control severe spasms in his neck muscles. Ruth’s sister Jean Filetti helps stabilize his head during the procedure. The toxin works by blocking nerve impulses to muscles in the injected area. (Photo by Mitch Mirkin)

Most people know Botox—the trade name for botulinum toxin—as a trendy treatment for facial wrinkles.

Long before its cosmetic use, though, the toxin became known as a potent muscle relaxant. Neurologists have used it for decades, in tiny doses, to treat spasms in the face or limbs, uncontrolled blinking, and other conditions. It's become standard therapy for the abnormal contractions that often occur in Parkinson's disease or after a stroke, or in a rarer ailment called dystonia.

Toxins may seem unlikely tools for doctors. But to VA researcher Paul Fishman, MD, PhD, they are a treasure trove of therapeutic potential. The neurologist and his group at the Baltimore VA and the University of Maryland are now studying the use of toxins besides botulinum, such as tetanus and diphtheria, to treat disorders involving muscles.

In scientific terms, the toxins studied in Fishman's lab are proteins made by pathogenic bacteria. The diseases they cause are nasty and often lethal.

Botulinum toxin was in Hitler's arsenal. It was loaded into bombs by Sadaam Hussein's regime, according to United Nations reports. It is listed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as a prime potential agent of bioterrorism. Understandably, the debut of botulinum toxin in health care in the 1970s raised some eyebrows. Even Fishman was skeptical, to put it mildly, when he first heard of it being used to help patients. "I thought people were nuts. In my training, I had seen people with botulism. Everyone knew what a powerful toxin botulinum was. Using it as a therapy seemed crazy and dangerous."

Fast-forward to 2009. After years of injecting minute doses of botulinum toxin into patients' muscles and seeing remarkable benefits, Fishman is a big proponent of its clinical use.

"It's an enormously powerful and effective muscle relaxant," he says. "It's really been beneficial for conditions where there are no other effective treatments."

That is part of what triggered his interest in another toxin: tetanus. It has the opposite effect on muscles—it activates them—and Fishman believes it could play an equally important role in medicine. He and VA collaborator Chris Matthews, PhD, see the toxin as a possible tonic for muscles that have atrophied from disuse. This is common in patients with severe injuries who are laid up in bed for long periods. Tiny doses of the toxin could also be used to energize muscles weakened by neurological conditions, he believes. "Could you take a small amount of tetanus toxin and amplify an inadequate contraction?" ponders Fishman.

He gives the example of a post-stroke patient whose hand is locked in a fist. Botulinum toxin could help ease the grip. But the patient might still have trouble fully opening the hand and extending the fingers. "Could we use tetanus toxin to enhance their ability to open their hand, activate those muscles? I view it as complementary to botulinum toxin," says the researcher.

Tetanus experiments challenged myth

Given the clinical success of botulinum toxin, why haven't others thought of using tetanus toxin in a parallel fashion, as Fishman envisions? The reason has to do with vaccination. Experts have assumed that since almost everyone in Western society is vaccinated against tetanus, the toxin could have no effect—good or bad—on people's systems. Thus, it would be of no use medically.

Experiments in Fishman's lab showed otherwise. Even in vaccinated rodents, the injected toxin evaded antibodies and found its target: nerve cells that control muscles. The toxin then works its way inside cells, where antibodies can't touch it.

Ironically, Fishman's early tetanus experiments were done with no intention of using the toxin itself therapeutically. In fact, his team was using only a segment of the tetanus molecule—the part that targets and enters motor neurons—in hopes of using it to ferry other therapeutic agents into the cells. The toxic part of the protein was irrelevant—or so they thought. Once they realized how good the toxin was at targeting nerve cells, they decided to repeat their animal experiments with the whole, toxic form of tetanus. They noted with great interest its activating effect on muscles.

Natural toxins becoming hotter topic for researchers

Fishman says natural toxins are becoming a hotter topic among researchers. "There's lots of precedent recently in the medical literature showing that we can harness the power of natural toxins," he notes. He cites the example of diphtheria toxin, which spurs the production of antibodies that kill some tumors.

Fishman's team is using diphtheria toxin in a different way: They are combining it with the part of the tetanus molecule that targets nerve cells. The goal is a hybrid toxin that, like botulinum toxin, could be used to selectively kill motor neurons.

Fishman is also collaborating with Homeland Security researchers to develop antidotes to botulinum toxin. The project is important for national security, but there may also be a routine clinical benefit, he explains.

"I tell patients all the time, I'm going to be very careful with dose, I'm going to stay in the lowest ranges, because if I overdose you, there is no antidote. I'd like to be able to rephrase that and say, if I overdose you, I can give you something that will terminate the action of the toxin."

This article originally appeared in the January 2010 issue of VA Research Currents.