United States Department of Veterans Affairs

Research Highlights

Nanotechnology team aims to build a better electrode

August 20, 2008

Implanted brain electrodes may one day play an important role in restoring independence to those with spinal cord injury, ALS, limb loss or other conditions. As part of technology being developed by VA researchers and colleagues, the electrodes would pick up brain signals and send them to a decoder that would convert them to signals to control computer cursors, artificial arms or other devices.

sea cucumber

Inspired by nature—The sea cucumber (left), seen here nested among corals in a home aquarium, can change its skin from hard to soft. A nanotechnology team with VA and Case Western Reserve University has engineered a material (microscope view, right) that mimics this quality. (Photo by F. Carpenter)

One challenge, though, is that the electrodes appear to lose their effectiveness over time. This may be due to a "mechanical mismatch" between the rigid electrode and the surrounding soft tissue, says polymer scientist Christoph Weder, PhD. "The working hypothesis is that initially the electrode needs to be stiff, or you would not be able to implant it. But once it's in, the brain is soft, like Jell-O, and then you have this stiff electrode. What you really want is an electrode that uses as a substrate a 'smart' material—something that is stiff when it goes in and then becomes soft."

Weder and colleagues are designing just that. His group at Case Western Reserve University and VA’s Advanced Platform Technology Center, based at the Louis Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center, have created a "nanocomposite" that changes from hard to soft. They described their invention in the journal Science earlier this year.

"The materials on which we reported in Science were designed to change from a hard plastic—think CD case—to a soft rubber when brought into contact with water," said coauthor Stuart Rowan, PhD.

The new material is inspired by the sea cucumber, explains Jeffrey Capadona, PhD, lead author on the Science article. “These creatures can reversibly and quickly change the stiffness of their skin. Normally is it very soft, but—for example, in response to a threat—the animal can activate its 'body armor' by hardening its dermis.” Capadona keeps one of the creatures in an aquarium at home.

The theory is that an electrode that could morph from hard to soft in response to water would work well in the aqueous environment of the brain. The researchers, funded by VA and the National Institutes of Health, are preparing to test the theory in animals. An alternative route they are taking is to create similar electrodes that would change their stiffness in response to an electrical or light signal, instead of water. That could be useful, for example, if clinicians needed to remove the electrode from the brain of a patient and wanted to re-stiffen it.

This article originally appeared in the July/Aug 2008 issue of VA Research Currents.