United States Department of Veterans Affairs

Research Highlights

VA Physician Receives VA Commendation

Taken from the Veterans Health Administration Highlights dated February 7, 2003

Dr. James F. Burris, new chief consultant for Geriatrics and Extended Care, recently received the Under Secretary for Health’s Commendation Award.

"Dr. Burris is well regarded by his staff, researchers and VA peers for his thoughtfulness and his insightful leadership and wisdom," said Dr. Jonathan Perlin, deputy under secretary for health. "It is to the good fortune of VA and veterans, particularly in times that call for insight and leadership in developing improved ways to meet the needs of an aging population that Dr. Burris has assumed his new role in geriatrics and extended care," the deputy under secretary said in presenting the award.

Dr. Burris began his duties as head of geriatrics in December after serving as acting chief research and development officer since August 2002. He previously served nearly five years as deputy chief research and development officer. He continues to serve on the Georgetown faculty as clinical professor of medicine and pharmacology.