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Vets to COPS

Veteran Hire Publications and Resources:

There are many employment resources available to assist police departments with the transition of service members into civilian employment. The below referenced documents are a sample of the resources available on frequently asked questions and recommendations to help police departments assist service members entering law enforcement.

White House Guide to Hiring Veterans
The White House Business Council has prepared A Guide to Hiring Veterans icon: pdf; a manual outlining guidelines for receiving tax credits, accessing recruitment resources and seeking other information on hiring, training, retaining and supporting veterans in the workforce. This guide is intended to provide an organization the information needed to recruit, retain, support, and educate veterans in both their local area and across the nation. The guide answers common questions such as how to locate and hire veterans, how to accommodate employees with disabilities and how to address veterans’ psychological and mental health concerns.

Department of Defense TurboTAP
The Department of Defense (DoD) Turbo Transition Assistance Program (TurboTAP) was developed to assist in the transition of military personnel and family members leaving the service. Returning to civilian life is an exciting time, but is also a complex undertaking. There are many steps to take, with questions to be answered. The DoD Transition Assistance Program is here to help.

Employing Returning Combat Veterans as Law Enforcement Officers
This publication provides information supporting the integration or re-integration of military personnel into Federal, local and tribal law enforcement.

America’s Heroes at Work
The U.S. Department of Labor recognizes that employers can sometimes find it difficult to navigate the plethora of veterans hiring resources available to them. This toolkit was developed to simplify the process and put valuable resources at the fingertips of employers. It serves to pinpoint helpful tools and outline some important steps to take when designing a veterans hiring initiative that works for your particular business.

Marketing Tools for Recruiting Veterans into Law Enforcement
This document outlines the current outreach strategies and marketing techniques that law enforcement agencies use to market, recruit, and employ returning combat veterans. While some departments are successful in reaching out to combat veterans, others have not taken full advantage of modern marketing and recruiting tools, and have had limited success in recruiting service members who have served in Iraq or Afghanistan. This document provides relevant background information and summarizes some particularly outstanding policies, recommendations, and recruitment strategies currently offered by law enforcement agencies.

Leader’s Guidebook & Training Curriculum
The leader’s guidebook provides recommendations to law enforcement leaders on how they can successfully improve the quality of support to returning combat veterans who are reentering law enforcement or launching a new career in policing. The guide also contains a training curriculum outline for incorporating relevant topics into specialized academy instruction and in-service training for both combat veterans and their supervisors. This curriculum will assist both hiring agencies and returning veterans to effectively address, discuss, and overcome any transitional obstacles.

Law Enforcement Recruitment Toolkit
Recruiting and staffing shortfalls continue to plague law enforcement agencies across the United States. New challenges in the 21st century, including military call-ups, a greater number of retirements, homeland security obligations, and increased competition, have combined to make the problem more acute. While many agencies are struggling, others are moving forward with innovative approaches.


























































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