Web-based Tools

These Web-based tools are designed to assist scientists in their proposal and general data analysis efforts. The HEASARC provides these tools as a service to the scientific community. [FTOOLS, a general FITS file utility programs and mission-specific data analysis tools can be found on the Software page].

General Tools

Multi-Mission Tools

  • Hera – Astronomical data analysis over the Internet
  • RPS – Remote Proposal System
  • Date/Time Converter (xTime) – Convert Fermi, RXTE, Suzaku, Swift, and XMM-Newton times to other time systems and formats, and vice versa
  • SkyView – The Internet's Virtual Telescope
  • Timeline Tool – Swift, RXTE and HETE-2 observation (as-flown) timelines
  • Viewing – Determine possible viewing times for missions and objects
  • WebPIMMS – Determine source flux or count rates
  • WebSpec – Simulate spectral data for missions/instruments

Cosmic Microwave Background Analysis Tools

Latest News
  • xTime tool updated (24 Jan 2013)
    NuSTAR support has been added to xTime. Also, some unused mission day formats have been removed.
  • Viewing tool updated (15 Aug 2012)
    As per recently updated mission guidelines, the Sun angle constraint for Suzaku has been updated to 70-115 degrees.
  • Viewing tool updated (10 Aug 2012)
    The Viewing tool has been updated to version 3.3. The times of Moon angle constraints are now displayed with 1-hour resolution. For preferred TOO observations with Swift, target-Sun R.A. differences in the 0-4 hour range are now included, as well as >8 hours, as per recently updated mission guidelines.
  • Viewing tool updated (20 Jan 2012)
    The Viewing tool has been updated. Since RXTE has been decomissioned, support for it has been removed. Swift's orbital pole constraints and Sun angle limit have also been updated. Previous versions used the spacecraft limit of 46°; this version uses the software limit of 47°.
  • Viewing tool updated to support Astro-H (19 Apr 2011)
    The Viewing tool has been updated to support the upcoming mission, Astro-H.

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