Eisenhower Army Medical Center
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Social Work Services

Location: 12th Floor East Side
Hours: 0730 - 1600 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
0730 - 1800 Wednesday
Phone: (706) 787-3656
Fax: (706) 787-8180
DSN: 773-3656

Mission/Service Overview

The Social Work Services (SWS) supports Eisenhower Army Medical Center's (EAMC) mission by providing quality, accessible, appropriate and cost effective social work interventions to all eligible beneficiaries. SWS is committed to the practice of Army Social Work, a practice which is founded in specialized knowledge, values, and skills that:

  • Promotes Behavioral Wellness Through Healthy Adaptation and Coping
  • Prevents Problematic Coping Patterns
  • Resolves Social System Conflicts and Challenges that may impede Mission Accomplishment

Services Available

Family Advocacy Program

  • POC for Child Abuse and Domestic Violence

Outpatient Social Work

  • Martial, Individual, and Group Counseling Services

Inpatient Social Work

  • Medical Social Work and Discharge Planning Services for EAMC inpatients and outpatients.

Soldier Support Program

  • Holistic Social Work Services to Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) and Operation Iraq Freedom (OIF) soldiers

Fisher House

  • Housing Accommodations for family members of seriously ill inpatients at EAMC


  • Holistic Social Work Services to Warrior Transition Battalion soldiers and their families.

For emergency assistance (after-hours, weekends or holidays), contact the EAMC Information Desk at 706-787-5811 and ask to have the On-Call Social Worker contact you.