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Technology Reference Shelves
News Releases
News Releases provide updates of specific interest to the fossil fuel community as well as updates on activities related to NETL areas of energy RD&D.
Accomplishment Reports
All brochures are in PDF file format and will require the use of the Acrobat reader.
CD-DVD Ordering System
Conference Proceedings
Several proceedings are in PDF file format and will require the use of the Acrobat reader.
DOE Pulse (External Link)
All factsheets are in PDF file format and will require the use of the Acrobat reader.
Journal of Energy and Environmental Research
All Journals are in PDF file format and will require the use of the Acrobat reader.
National Energy Policy
Report of the National Energy Policy Development Group.
Other Publications and Reports
Several files are in PDF file format and will require the use of the Acrobat reader.
Publication Standards Manual
The Publication Standards Manual collects all of the Laboratory standards for NETL publications into one easy-to-use guidebook. Several files are in PDF file format and will require the use of the Acrobat reader.
Using the NETL Logo
Standards for use of NETL logo.

NOTE: Several publications listed above are in Portable Document Format (PDF). To view PDF files, it is necessary to first download and install the free Adobe Acrobat Reader from Adobe Systems, Inc.