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The Children’s Bureau sponsors conferences and meetings to create dialogue among professionals dedicated to the well-being of children and families. This centennial year offers special opportunities to reflect on lessons learned from the past and prepare for future challenges.

  • Centennial Commemoration - Special Event

    On April 9, 2012, Children’s Bureau staff, colleagues from across the Federal sector, and collaborative partners joined together at the Department of Health and Human Services’ headquarters in Washington, DC, to mark this important milestone.

    Read Secretary Kathleen Sebelius' Remarks

    Read Assistant Secretary George Sheldon's Remarks

    View Photos

    Coming soon: Video of the April 9th Children's Bureau centennial commemoration

  • 18th National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect

    From April 16 to April 20, 2012, in Washington, DC, the Office on Child Abuse and Neglect held its biennial conference for child welfare professionals to share lessons learned and improve policies and services to protect children and prevent child maltreatment.

    Conference Materials

  • Webinars

    Register for upcoming webinars and view archived materials from previous webinars in two series that present the historical evolution of Children’s Bureau programs and explore critical topics that shape the child welfare field today.

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  • Conference Calendar

    Visit the Child Welfare Information Gateway website to search for conferences and meetings sponsored by other organizations nationwide.

    More Information

The Story of the Children's Bureau

The Story of the Children's Bureau Snapshot

Explore an engaging “then” and “now” look at the Children’s Bureau’s history of collaboration, research, assistance to States and Tribes, public awareness campaigns, and more.

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