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Project Name: 22nd Judicial District Re-Entry Court

Applicant: 22nd Judicial District Court
Applicant Type: Other
Application Number: 2012-H0782-LA-DC
Funding Request: $200,000
Focus: Courts, Specialized and Problem Solving Courts
Location: LA
Areas Covered: St. Tammany and Washington Parishes, LA

Summary: The 22nd Judicial District Court, which encompasses both St. Tammany and Washington Parishes and is considered a suburban area, is requesting Category 2 Drug Court Discretionary Grant Program funds in the amount of  $200,000.00 to expand the target population of an existing drug court and to enhance existing offender services to include a Re-entry Court. The Re-entry Court program will facilitate a positive transition from prison to community by providing pre-screened nonviolent and non-sex crime offenders with the treatment and skills necessary to successfully re-enter society. The 22nd Judicial District Court plans to serve 40 individuals over the term of the grant. The goals of the Reentry Court are to reduce recidivism, reduce the costs and time of incarceration, and to transform criminal offenders into productive citizens. This will be accomplished through these objectives: early identification, adherence to a phase-based substance abuse treatment and case management schedule, promotion of drug free lifestyle through random drug testing program, accountability through judicial oversight and a graduated sanction and incentive plan, and participation in educational, social, and vocational programs. The Re-Entry Court will "piggyback" onto an existing pre-release program at Angola State Penitentiary where 100 slots will be available for re-entry court clients. At Angola, pre-release services will include GED preparation, vocational/technical training, substance abuse evaluation/ treatment, parenting skills training, and other life skills courses. The Re-Entry Court teams will travel to Angola to meet with the participants and to build a foundation upon which future judicial interaction will be based. After more intensive assessment, participants will be released to the post-release program which will function much like drug court. Enhanced services, however, will be available for this target population and integrated into individual transition plans. Enhanced services include vocational training, educational opportunities, social and life skill training, job skills, psycho-social education, etc. Collaborations with area organizations, employers, and state and local agencies will be pursued as support for the services that will be available to clients throughout their participation in Re-Entry Court.

All seven evidence-based design features will be implemented in the proposed program. They are addressed in the Program Narrative as follows: Screening and Assessment-pages 3, 8, and 9; Target Population-pages 1, 7, and 8; Procedural and Distributive Justice-pages 3-4, 10; Judicial Interaction-pages 4, 6, 10-11, and 16; Monitoring-pages 5-6, 10, 11; Treatment and Other Services-pages 4-5, 9, 12-13, 14, and 16; Relapse Prevention, Aftercare and Community Integration-pages 4, 13, 17-18. Data collection is addressed on pages 18-19. All ten Key Components of Drug Court are incorporated into this application. In addition to the components included in the above-listed design features, interdisciplinary education is discussed on pages 15 and 19, evaluation is discussed on page 19, and collaborative efforts are discussed on pages 2, 8, 13, 14, 16, and 20

For Further Information:
Adrienne Stroble
Court Administrator
701 N Columbia Street
Room 3210
Covington, LA 70433-2760

Application Submitted in Response to Solicitation: Adult Drug Court Discretionary Program Assigned Number: BJA-2012-3120