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    Detailed information for award 2011-DN-BX-K531

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Award Title:  Separation and Identification of Drugs of Abuse Using ESI-IMS-MS

Award Description:

This project will explore the use of ESI-IMS-MS for the separation and identification of drugs of abuse. The aims of the project are 1) a fundamental investigation of the use of ESI-IMS-MS for the purpose of separation of controlled substances commonly encountered in the forensic laboratory and 2) research to improve the understanding of chiral separations in the gas phase using CIMS of compounds that are currently difficult or impossible to analyze by other methods. ca/ncf

Awardee Name:  Florida International University Award Number: 2011-DN-BX-K531
Solicitation Title:  NIJ FY 11 Basic Scientific Research to Support Forensic Science for Criminal Justice Purposes Fiscal Year: 2011
Amount:  $241,447 Earmark: No
Recovery: No State/Territory: FL
County: Dade Congressional District: 21
Award Status: Open