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The World Society of Victimology

The World Society of Victimology is a not-for-profit, nongovernmental organization with Special Category consultative status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)of the United Nations and the Council of Europe. Brought together by a mutual concern for victims, its world-wide membership includes: victim assistance practitioners, social scientists, social workers, physicians, lawyers, civil servants, volunteers, university academics of all levels, and students.

The purpose of the WSV is to advance victimological research and practices around the world; to encourage interdisciplinary and comparative work and research in this field, and to advance cooperation between international, national, regional and local agencies and other groups who are concerned with the problems of victims.

Latest Announcements

XXIX Post Graduate Course of Victimology, Victim Assistance And Criminal Justice
May 13 - 25, 2013
Dubrovnik, Croatia

Inter-University Centre Dubrovnik, Croatia, in co-operation with the World Society of Victimology, are pleased to announce the XXIX Post Graduate Course of Victimology, Victim Assistance and Criminal Justice.  The course will be held from 13 May to 25 May, 2013.  For more information, please see the flyer.


Restorative Justice: An International Journal (RJIJ): WSV member discount

Hart Publishing is delighted to announce a new journal, Restorative Justice: An International Journal (RJIJ), to be launched in 2013. Members of the World Society of Victimology are eligible to receive a reduced subscription rate for both online and paper versions of the journal. The ordinary subscription price for the journal is £55 (UK & EU) /£80 (ROW) / £40 (Online only) however, Hart Publishing is pleased to offer WSV members a special discount of £45 (UK & EU) / £65 (ROW) / £25 (Online only).

WSV members in good standing should check our Members Area for information on how to subscribe at the reduced rate.


Tokiwa University - Japan - Scholarships for International Students
Sept 12 2012

Tokiwa University, Japan, has recently released new information related to its scholarship programme for international students; see our Job and Opportunity Bank page, under Post-Graduate Opportunities


Third Annual Conference of the Victimology Society of Serbia
Victims and contemporary social context: theory, practice, and activism
Belgrade, Serbia
22th – 23th November 2012

Download their Conference Information
Download their Call for Papers
Download Registration and Hotel information



Advancing research, services and awareness for victims

The Challenge

The nature and extent of victimization is not adequately understood across the world. Millions of people throughout the world suffer harm as a result of crime, the abuse of power, terrorism and other stark misfortunes. Their rights and needs as victims of this harm have not been adequately recognized.

The UN General Assembly adopted the Declaration on Basic Principles of Justice for Victims of Crime and Abuse of Power in 1985 (advocated for and developed in consultation with the World Society of Victimology). "This provides a universal bench mark by which progress can be assessed in meeting the needs of victims of crime and abuse of power.

The rights of the victims of crime and abuse of power are still not adequately recognized in any part of the world. Their families, witnesses and others who aid them, are still unjustly subjected to loss, damage or injury. They too often suffer hardship when assisting in the prosecution of offenders. UN Congresses in Bangkok 2005 and in Salvador 2010 draw attention to the victims of terrorism. Not only victms of crime deserve our attention. After natural disasters, accidents and diseases, victims suffering from the consequences share a similar trauma., loss and suffering. Services to meet the needs of these victims have much in common. Action must be taken to advance research, services and awareness for victims across the world.

Victims of stark misfortunes such as natural disasters, accidents and diseases share similar trauma, loss and suffering. Services to meet the needs of victims have much in common between victims of crime, abuse of power and stark misfortunes. Action must be taken to advance research, services and awareness for victims across the world.

Ten years after the adoption of the Declaration by the UN General Assembly, the Society supported the development of two important instruments meant to further the implementation of the Declaration around the globe. These documents, the Guide for Policy Makers, and a Handbook on Justice for Victims: on the use and application of the Declaration of Basic Principles, provide policy-makers and practitioners with concrete examples of how they can push forward the implementation of the Declaration in their region.

In the tradition of global advocacy, the World Society of Victimology, in partnership with the International Victimology Institute (INTERVICT) of Tilburg University and with Tokiwa International Victimology Institute (TIVI) is current involved in the promotion of a UN Convention for Victims.

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