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About Estuaries Logo E-Live Sample Backpacks
Sample Rubric for Creativity and Project-Based Learning     

E-Live Sample Backpacks | How to Use | RubricTeacher Vignette | Literature Review

You can use this sample rubric to evaluate your students’ work or you can make your own using RubiStar. RubiStar is one of several online rubric generators that teachers can use to not only easily construct rubrics but edit them with students. The best rubrics are, afterall, those developed with student input. A caution is to try and leave enough open-endness in rubrics so that creativity is not squashed. Note that Pink's Creative Aptitudes are included in this sample rubric.

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Scientific Literacy Scientific concepts and processes related to the compelling question are conveyed clearly and confidently with obvious knowledge and understanding. Scientific concepts and processes related to the compelling question are referred to and explained to some degree. Scientific concepts and processes related to the compelling question are mentioned but in no substantive way and do not support the findings of the inquiry. Scientific concepts and processes related to the compelling question are not evident in the findings of the inquiry.
Originality and Innovation Product shows a large amount of original thought. Ideas are creative and inventive. Product shows some original thought. Work shows new ideas and insights. Product uses other people's ideas (giving them credit), but there is little evidence of original thinking. Product uses other people's ideas but does not give them credit.
Design and Story Content is accurate and well organized to tell a story in a compelling way. Some success at storytelling but the overall organization of topics appears flawed. Content is logically organized for the most part. There was no clear or logical organizational structure, just lots of facts.
Empathy and Meaning Product reflects the creator's understanding of his/her relationship to and responsibility for the estuarine ecosystem. Product reflects the creator's understanding of his/her relationship to the estuarine ecosystem. Product reflects little understanding of the creator's relationship to the estuarine ecosystem. Product reflects no understanding of the creator's relationship to the estuarine ecosystem.
Collaboration (Play and Humor) Product reflects a degree of enjoyment of the process of creating, collaborating, and communicating. Product reflects a process that was effective in getting the work accomplished. Product reflects a process that was not very effective or enjoyable. Product reflects a process that was ineffective and unpleasant for the group.
Symphony Product is the result of a collaborative effort with each team member contributing generously of talents, abilities, time, and effort in a way that demonstrates that the team sees the big picture and their place in it. Product is the results of a collaborative effort with each team member contributing and demonstrates some understanding of the big picture. Product is the result of an effort that reflects some collaboration but contributions by team members are unevenly representative and little evidence of the big picture realized. Product is the result of poor collaboration and no understanding of the big picture.
Respect for Intellectual Property Credit for other people's ideas and creations is provided. Permission has been requested, received, and documented when required. Credit for other people's ideas and creations has been requested and received but are not clearly documented. Most permissions to use the intellectual property of others have been requested, received, and documented. Permissions were not requested for the intellectual property that belongs to others and credit is not provided.
Production Quality Product is compelling and engages the audience. Principles of design as well as Standard English are evident. Project log is well documented. Product is attractive, engages, and follows good design principles. Standard English is evident. Project log is sufficiently documented. Product is overall attractive but falls short in some areas of design or Standard English. Project log is lacking in detail and/or artifacts. Product does not reflect design principles and/or Standard English. Project log is sparse in detail and/or artifacts.

Student Feedback Survey

You can use this sample student feedback survey to evaluate how your students enjoyed using the E-Live Sample Backpack, or you can make your own. Requesting feedback from students sends a positive message while collecting valuable feedback. Middle and high school students are usually impressed that their opinions are valued and take this quite seriously. Here are some sample questions.
  1. How would you rate your experience in the SciVi Field Trip?
    Boring ____
    Better than most school work ___
    Interesting ___
    Exciting ___
  2. Reflect on your response to Question 1 and explain why you feel this way. Be sure to explain your role in the outcome.
  3. How do you feel now about estuaries and their ecological importance?
  4. Reflect on your use of your creative senses (design, story, symphony, empathy, play, and meaning). What did you learn about yourself, how you learn, and how you work with others?
  5. Please provide your recommendations for how this SciVi Field Trip process can be improved?
  6. Consider how this SciVi Field Trip has affected how you feel about any of these four questions and please explain:
    • What do I know about this special place(s) I've been introduced to in this Sci Vi Field Trip?
    • How has learning about this place(s) helped me understand my connection to the earth?
    • How has learning about this place helped me understand myself?


Last Updated on: 06-17-2011


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