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Marine Corps Logistics Base Barstow

Barstow, California
Unit News

Local Marine reminiscent of Operation Just Cause

December 14, 2006 — It was a warm, humid day in the rainforests of Panama where the toucans, crocodiles, monkeys and snakes were in a frenzy over the excitement that surrounded them. The shouts, shots and sounds of service members operating in the villages and points of conflict were heard throughout the forests. It was called Operation Just Cause, and it removed MORE
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Corpsman rewarded for saving two Marines' lives

December 14, 2006 — During his deployment to Iraq, Hospitalman Robert Clark, primary care, branch medical clinic, was put in a situation he trained for, but never wanted to see. Following an improvised explosive device explosion, Clark was called on to save the lives of the Marines he came to know really well; he calls them his brothers. On Jan. 19, Clark was deployed MORE
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Up-armor: beefing up LAVs at MCB

December 14, 2006 — Sweat, sparks, strip downs and armoring up. The Light Armored Vehicle up-armor project is making progress by leaps and bounds at the maintenance center.According to Headquarters Marine Corps Fact Files, the LAV family of vehicles are quite diverse and versatile, from the LAV-25 which provides strategic mobility to reach and engage the threat, to MORE
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