Dr. Claire Gordon and her team spent 18 months collecting the measurements of nearly 12,000 Soldiers as part of their anthropometric study at Natick Soldier Research, Development and Engineering Center. The data gathered will be used in the design and fit of Soldier clothing and individual equipment, and will affect vehicle and aircraft design for years to come. (Photo by David Kamm, NSRDEC)

Sizing up today’s Soldier

26 June 2012

Work being done at the Natick Soldier Research, Development and Engineering Center is expected to improve the design and fit of Soldiers' clothing and individual equipment. The data will also help shape future combat vehicles, aircraft and weapon systems.

(Logo courtesy of the Pentagon Channel)

Celebrity chefs, Army style

21 June 2012

Sergeant 1st Class Guy Winks and Staff Sgt. Edmund Perez are typical Soldiers. They also happened to be two of the most famous chefs in the Army.

The Battle of New Orleans, Jan. 8, 1815. (Painting by Herbert Morton Stoops, courtesy of the U.S. Army Center of Military History)

Why Soldiers should care about the War of 1812

18 June 2012

Two hundred years ago today, President James Madison signed the United States’ first declaration of war, catapulting the fledgling country into its second War of Independence, better known as the War of 1812.