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Technology Transfer
NETL Technology Transfer Agreements & Research Partnerships
Pouring molten metal into a lost foam, loose sand casting for cast steel armorplate
Pouring molten metal into a lost foam, loose sand casting for cast steel armorplate
A technology transfer agreement with the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) provides access to the research and development expertise, facilities, and intellectual property of a government research facility.  Specializing in fossil fuel energy research, NETL technology transfer options include:

Because NETL is a government-owned, government-operated (GOGO) laboratory, we only sign our own technology transfer agreements. Review all NETL technologies available for commercial license or partnership. For more information about NETL technology transfer & research partnership opportunities, please email us at

Technology Transfer Agreements & Research Partnerships Defined

Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRADA) allow for joint research and development performed by NETL and CRADA participant researchers. Background intellectual property (IP) protection is included for both parties, and CRADA developed IP is jointly owned.  A CRADA offers participants the right of first refusal to an exclusive license for jointly developed IP. Cost sharing between NETL and the CRADA participant is essential. Small businesses are given preferential consideration for these agreements. 

Sample CRADA     NOTE: Sample agreements are subject to change and are only posted as examples.

License Agreements transfer NETL-owned intellectual property (IP) from the government to the private sector both exclusively and non-exclusively. NETL looks for licensing partners with a plan for technology development and marketing with a high probability for technology commercialization. Licensing partners should also plan to make the benefits of the licensed IP reasonably accessible to the public. Review the list of current NETL technology license opportunities , then complete the NETL License Agreement application  and return it to

Sample Non-exclusive License
Sample Exclusive License
NOTE: Sample agreements are subject to change and are only posted as examples.

Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) OR Memorandums of Agreement (MOAs) are written agreements between NETL and other entities that state of scope of work for a specific project or state the terms of a partnering relationship. Parties to these agreements may include other federal agencies, local, state, international, or other government entities; the private sector; and educational institutions. An MOU or MOA is not considered a binding contract. It cannot be used to obligate or commit funds or be used as the basis for the transfer of funds between or among the parties. Actual implementation of the understandings established by the MOU or MOA must be accomplished through a legally binding instrument such as an interagency agreement, contract or other appropriate agreement between the parties (as applicable).

Sample  MOU  NOTE: Sample agreements are subject to change and are only posted as examples.

Non-disclosure Agreements (NDAs) are sometimes referred to as confidentiality agreements and are used when NETL and/or another party wish to exchange information that is either considered potentially patentable by NETL or proprietary by the other party.  NETL is bound to maintain information received in the course of business confidential by the Trade Secrets Act (18 USC Sec. 1905).  However, NETL will enter into an NDA that reiterates this protection.  NDA's may be unilateral or bi-lateral, depending on the circumstances.  NETL only executes its own NDA's.

Sample Joint NDA

Be sure to review all NETL Technology Available for License Agreements or Research Partnerships.

To discuss your goals and determine which Technology Transfer Agreement or Research Partnership is best for you, please contact us at

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