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NETL focuses a wealth of scientific and engineering talent on creating commercially viable solutions to national energy and environmental problems. The majority of NETL's projects are carried out through contracts with corporations, small business, universities, non-profit organizations, and other national laboratories and government agencies. These contracts – awarded through competitive solicitation processes – constitute an R&D portfolio that will return benefits to our Nation for generations to come.

Innovation for a Secure Energy Future

Oil Rigs at sunset

Oil and Natural Gas Supply
Our nation still has plentiful domestic supplies of oil and natural gas. Yet recovery of these resources is increasingly complex and expensive, and must be accomplished in environmentally responsible ways. NETL's R&D and field demonstration projects are designed to:  enhance domestic oil and natural gas supplies through advanced exploration and production technology; examine water related concerns; investigate potential new energy resources such as methane hydrates; and, in the future, focus on safety, environmental sustainability and quantification of the environmental and safety risks of exploration and production activity.

Cooling towers

Coal and Power Systems
Technologies being developed and demonstrated by NETL and its partners can substantially improve the efficiency and environmental performance of coal power generation systems. This RD&D will enable use of our most abundant energy resource – coal – to meet growing electricity demand and to lay the foundation for a sustainable hydrogen economy. Focus is on providing coal-based technologies that essentially eliminate pollutant emissions, manage carbon emissions, and remain cost competitive.

Industrial Capture & Storage
The Industrial Carbon Capture and Storage program includes large-scale projects to capture carbon dioxide emissions from industrial sources store them in deep saline formations and other geologic systems. The program also includes Innovative Concepts program which focuses on pathways and novel approaches for reducing CO2 emissions by developing beneficial uses for the CO2.

Scenic Landscape

Carbon Storage
NETL manages a portfolio of laboratory and field R&D focused on technologies with great potential for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and controlling global climate change. Most efforts focus on capturing carbon dioxide from large stationary sources such as power plants, and sequestering it using geologic or terrestrial approaches. Control of fugitive methane emissions is also addressed.

Man working in power facility

Hydrogen and Clean Fuels
NETL manages a portfolio of R&D to facilitate production of hydrogen from coal fuels for use in fuel cells and other power generation systems. The goal of this R&D is to ensure that hydrogen-from-coal plants will have very low levels of pollutant emissions, be capable of capturing and sequestering carbon dioxide, and provide affordable products.


Technology Transfer
NETL is widely recognized as a source of scientifically sound information and analytical tools related to fossil fuel technologies. The Laboratory dedicates significant efforts to transferring information and technologies to universities and colleges, to other government entities, and to private-sector companies. By accelerating the advancement and commercialization of beneficial technologies, technology transfer efforts maximize returns to the American people.