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"The Right Place" from Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric K. Shinseki

VA Seal

The Department of Veterans Affairs has developed a new public service announcement to let women Veterans know they've come to “The Right Place” when seeking VA health care. “We want to send a very clear message to women Veterans that VA is here to meet your health care needs,” said Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric K. Shinseki. “It is important that women Veterans receive the high-quality health care and benefits they have earned through their service.”  Learn more....external link


Performance Triad

Army Medicine logoLt. Gen. Patricia D. Horoho, the Army surgeon general, is cultivating an  idea that will shift the focus of U.S. Army Medical Command from "a healthcare system to a system for health." 

Lt. Gen Horoho's idea is called the "Performance Triad."   It summarizes a simple truth about human performance and well-being: that all of us--no matter who we are, how old we are, or what we do--need a balance of three things to build and sustain health. The three are sleep, activity and nutrition.

Learn more about the PERFORMANCE TRIAD WORKSHOP  external link held Sept. 18--21, 2012 at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md.

Activity (PHC) - Be Active for Life!

Nutrition (PHC) - Eating Smart Promotes Health!

Sleep (PHC) - Make Sleep a Priority


State Coalitions Work to Reduce Rules in Domestic Violence Shelters from U.S. Department of Health & Human Services & the Administration for Children & Families external link

Abusers often control victims of domestic violence by imposing rules. Then survivors may go to shelters where they encounter more rules. To improve the experiences of survivors and to help them regain autonomy, state domestic violence coalitions across the country are working to help domestic violence shelters reduce or eliminate rules.

Female Troops Need Better Health Care By Gregg Zoroya, USA Today

The military is falling short in providing equal health care for women on the battlefield even as public pressure grows to allow them a broader role in combat, an Army task force led by female officers concluded. (click here to read more external link......)

 Women's Health Month Women throughout the Army are reminded to take small, manageable steps to lead longer, healthier, and happier lives.  Women are challenged to take charge of their "white space" which is their "life space" and to make their health a top priority. 

A special Women's Health Month poster external link is available.
This is a large pdf file posted on AKO and requires CAC authorization

Listen to this public service announcement external link from LTG Patricia Horoho.

Women's Health/Medline Plus External link                                                                                                                       Some diseases or health conditions are more common in women or affect women differently.  NIH provides overviews, current news, and information on prevention/ screenings, research, and specific conditions related to women's health.

Policy Memo 11- 054 Women's Readiness  External link (AKO/password protected)                                              Updated OTSG/MEDCOM policy memorandum providing guidance on cervical and breast cancer screenings and procedures. Released 24 June 2011.

Affordable Care Act Expands Women’s Preventive Health Care Service External link                                                       Department of Health and Human Services adopted additional Guidelines for Women’s Preventive Services that will be covered without cost sharing in new health plans starting in August 2012. The guidelines were recommended by the independent Institute of Medicine and based on scientific evidence.