NWS Buffalo, New York
COMET Project




The regions to the lee of Lake Erie and Lake Ontario experience some of the most severe

snowfall events in North America (Niziol et al., 1995). Lake-effect snows are mesoscale,

convective precipitation events that develop downwind of the Great Lakes during the late fall and

winter. These storms typically span the mesogamma (2-20 km) to mesobeta (20-200 km) size

range as defined by Orlanski (1975). Lake-effect snowbands can produce extreme snowfalls,

with accumulations exceeding 150 cm (60 in) during a quasi-stationary, multiday event (Niziol

1989; Sykes 1966).

Across upstate New York, lake-effect snowstorms frequently (e.g., several times a year)

produce very heavy snowfall that severely impacts more than 4.5 million people who live

downwind of the lakes. The National Weather Service offices in Buffalo and Binghamton have

forecast and warning responsibility for these areas. The localized nature of these storms presents

a unique challenge to operational meteorologists to provide detailed forecasts of the location and

intensity of snowband development with sufficient lead time to carry out the basic mission of

NWS which is to protect life and property.

The inability of the larger-scale numerical models to adequately simulate lake-effect snow is

discussed by Niziol et al. (1995). As a result, NWS offices have over the years developed a

plethora of local operational forecast techniques, several of which are described in Niziol et al.

(1995). In addition, rapid increases in computer resources and the availability of high-resolution

datasets have made it possible to run mesoscale models which can simulate mesoscale circulations

such as lake-effect snowbands, and produce model forecasts in a timely manner.

Researchers at SUNY Oswego and SUNY Brockport participated in 1992 with forecasters at

NWS Buffalo in a COMET Partners Project to improve short-range prediction of lake-effect

snowstorm behavior, and to increase cooperation between operational forecasters and the

university community (Ballentine, et al., 1993). A mesoscale model was tested for 8 lake-effect

snow events using initial data from the nested grid model (NGM). A protocol was established to

run the model operationally on a 486 microcomputer at NWS Buffalo. The model domain covered

the Lake Ontario region with a grid having 10 km resolution. For the Player version of the

model, it took about 3 hours to complete a 24-hour simulation. In each case, the model produced

a snowband circulation, and in most cases, the location of the model snowband was near the

initial location of the observed band. However, in several cases, the movement of the model

snowband was not in agreement with observations.

The model used in the Partners Project was run over flat terrain. It used simple boundary

layer and cloud physics packages, and a very crude form of synoptic-scale forcing. A single

sounding (usually Buffalo) was used to initialize the model. Prognostic variables were assumed

to be horizontally homogeneous initially. Changes in the geostrophic wind were prescribed at

Page 2.

every grid point based on projections by the NGM interpolated to Buffalo. Not surprisingly, the

model was unable to predict changes in snowband location and intensity for cases in which the

synoptic-scale fields changed significantly during the period of interest. Nevertheless, the ability

of the model to simulate snowband development and to predict snowfall rates fairly accurately

was encouraging to both forecasters and researchers.

We wish to expand this research in the form of a cooperative effort among the State Univer-

sity of New York Colleges at Oswego and Brockport and Cornell University with the Weather

Service Forecast Offices in Buffalo and Binghamton to improve the operational prediction of

lake-effect snowstorms. We propose to develop a procedure for using the workstation version of

the Penn State/ NCAR Mesoscale Modeling System (mm5ws) (Haagenson,l994) to make real-

time predictions of the development and behavior of lake-effect snowstorms downwind of the

eastern Great Lakes, and to provide model output in the form of GEMPAK-generated metafiles to

forecasters at the National Weather Service offices in Buffalo and Binghamton.


1.1 Our long-term goals are:

* To improve the operational prediction and subsequent forecasts and warnings of mesoscale

lake-effect snow events downwind of the eastern Great Lakes.

* To expand the interaction and exchange of knowledge between operational meteorologists at

the National Weather Service Forecast Offices in Buffalo and Binghamton and researchers at

SUNY Oswego, SUNY Brockport, and Cornell University.

1.2 Our Short-term Objectives are:

* To develop and test the mm5 modeling system (i.e., initialization programs, mesoscale model,

and post-processing programs) with the intention of freezing the modeling system for

operational use by the start of the 1996-97 lake-effect snow season.

* To conduct joint studies of the structure and behavior of lake-effect snowbands including

verification and evaluation of the mm5 modeling system using WSR-88D and GOES-8 data as

well as detailed snowfall reports from the Upstate New York Snow Spotter Network. For

example, we will compare WSR-88D data and GOES-8 imagery with model predictions of

snowband intensity, location and movement.

+ To archive model input data and raw model output for some of the more interesting lake-

effect snow events. Model output will be used in case study analysis to learn more about the

structure and dynamics of mesoscale snowband circulations, and to improve our under-

standing of the role of larger-scale environmental factors, including lake-lake interactions, in

Page 3.

snowband formation and behavior. We will also archive WSR-88D data, GOES-8 imagery,

and snowfall reports for comparison with model predictions of snowband location, move-

ment, and precipitation rate. The model input data from all of the events will be archived so

that we can run experiments to test the sensitivity of model results to changes in grid

resolution, grid geometry, model physics, lake temperature, and the distribution of ice cover.

* To hold a series ofjoint seminars between the NWS and University community to presenr

results of cooperative lake-effect studies and to discuss and review the progress of this

project. These meetings will take place when students are available, and they will be

scheduled to coincide with critical phases of this project. A larger meeting similar to the

1993 Symposium on Central New York Weather Forecast;ng, or a regional workshop similar

to the 4th United States/Canada Workshop on Great Lakes Operational Meteorology

(September 1995) may also be held.

* To provide training sessions given by university staff for NWS personnel on using GEMPAK

and Ntrans to analyze and display gridded mesoscale model data, and on interpreting mm5

model output. This training will facilitate the transition of operational forecasters to an

AWIPS-like environment by giving them hands-on experience using a Hewlett-Packard work

station, and a common software platform to display gridded model data. GEMPAK and

Ntrans can also be used to display gridded data currently available from operational models

such as the NGM and ETA (early and mesoscale versions), global spectral (AVN and MRF).

and the RUC model.

* To provide instruction for university students and faculty regarding the use of WSR-88D

products, GOES-X imagery, and operational forecast and warning techniques. This

instruction will be given by NWS forecasters during visits to SUNY Brockport, SUNY

Oswego, or Cornell, and when small groups of students are invited to NWS Buffalo and/or

NWS Binghamton

1.3 Potential Benefits of the Operational Use of Mesoscale Models

Existing operational forecast models are not capable of explicitly predicting mesoscale lake-

effect snow events. Mesoscale models have been under nearly continuous development for

research applications at various universities during the past 25 years. These models have been

successful in simulating a variety of mesoscale circulations. It is anticipated that the mm5 model

results integrated with new high-resolution remote sensor technologies, such as the WSR-88D and

GOES-8, will lead to:

* increased lead time in predicting the onset of lake-effect snow events;

* improved prediction of the change in location of the snowbands;

* improved resolution in predicting the areas impacted by lake-effect snow;

Page 4.

* improved prediction of snowband intensity and duration which will lead to greater accuracy in

predicting snowfall amounts.

These improvements will help NWS forecasters to provide more accurate information to

critical agencies such as highway and transportation departments, school systems, as well as local

commerce and industry.


For this project we propose to use the workstation version of the Penn StateiNCAR

Mesoscale Model (mm5ws) to simulate lake-effect snowstorms and other mesoscale circulations

in the eastern Great Lakes region. Our primary objective is to develop a method to provide mm.5

predictions of lake-effect snowband development, movement, and precipitation rate to NWS

forecasters at Buffalo and Binghamton. Since we anticipate that the workstations at NWS Buffalo

and Binghamton will not be available to run mm5 (at least for the next few years), we propose to

run the model on the Hewlett-Packard 9000 Model 735/100 workstation 'monsoon.weather.

brockport.edu' at SUNY Brockport. When 'monsoon' is not available, or when network

problems prevent access to 'monsoon', we will run mm5 on 'blizzard.oswego.edu' , the HP

Model 715/75 workstation at SUNY Oswego. In consultation with NWS forecasters, scientists at

SUNY Brockport and SUNY Oswego will develop user-friendly UNIX scripts to execute the

entire modeling system. Model output in the form of GEMPAK-generated metafiles will be

transferred electronically to NWS Buffalo and Binghamton using channels such as Internet.

Forecasters will view output using Ntrans which is a graphical user interface for GEMPAK.

The advantages of using mm5 include:

* up-to-date options used in the initialization package to provide accurate initial fields over and

upwind of the Great Lakes;

* accurate representation of advection owing to state-of-the-art numerics;

* flexibility of grid nesting configurations allowing us arrive at the optimal balance between

grid resolution and model runtime;

* realistic terrain to account for orographic effects including precipitation enhancement;

+ sophisticated model physics.

2.1 Modeling Protocol

An overriding concern is to provide mm5 output to NWS forecasters in a timely manner. Our

goal is to have results from a 36-hour simulation available to forecasters (in graphical form)

Page 5.

within 12 hours of the time of the initial data. For example, if a forecaster at either NWS Buffalo

or NWS Binghamton calls SUNY Brockport or SUNY Oswego on a Tuesday evening to request a

36-hour simulation (from 002 Wednesday to 122 Thursday) of a potential lake-effect snowstorm,

the person on duty will activate the procedure to:

* acquire the 002 upper-air and surface data files (available from Unidata and other sources) by

approximately 0130 Z;

* run programs to create initial conditions (in sigma coordinates) over the mm5 nested grid;

* run mm5 on 'monsoon' or 'blizzard' out to 36 hours;

* convert mm5 output to GEMPAK format and produce a set of metafiles (graphics products);

* transfer electronically the GEMPAK metafiles to NWS Buffalo and NWS Binghamton.

We will automate this procedure as much as possible to minimize the workload of the

operator on duty, and to make the end-products available to forecasters in a timely manner

(before 122 Wednesday in the example above). Faculty involved in the project and students at

SUNY Brockport and SUNY Oswego will be trained in implementing this procedure. During

periods when lake-effect snow is favored, we will maintain 24-hour coverage (including week-

ends) by assigning trained student operators to shifts at times when faculty participants are not on

campus. During these periods, a faculty member or the Research Associate will be on-call at

night and on weekends.

Since snowfall downwind of Lake Ontario and Lake Erie has the maximum societal impact,

we want to provide forecasters with the option of previewing hourly model forecasts in graphical

form (for example, snowfall rate and vertical velocity on the nested grid) midway through the

model run. This 'early look' will enable forecasters to integrate the latest mm5 predictions into

the cycle of forecasts and advisories when the situation warrants. For example, a forecaster who

makes a request for a 36-hour model run on a Tuesday evening will be able to view loops of

selected intermediate forecast products (verifying out to at least 18Z Wednesday) by about 071,

Wednesday. The complete set of GEMPAK metafiles (verifying out to 122 Thursday) will be

available to NWS forecasters by 122 Wednesday.

A sample grid configuration is shown in Figure 1. In our final configuration, the large grid

will extend far enough upwind to ensure that any feature which could affect the eastern Great

Lakes region during a 36 hour period is included in the initial data. The nested grid will cover

most of New York State, Lake Ontario, and enough of Lake Erie to simulate the formation of

snowbands that affect western New York. Since the nested grid will also cover most of Georgian

Bay and the eastern portion of Lake Huron, it will be possible to simulate the formation of snow

bands that develop near the Bruce Peninsula which separates these bodies of water. Satellite

photographs indicate that bands which form near the Bruce Peninsula interact with snowbands

over Lake Ontario (Niziol, 1995).

The vertical grid structure is chosen to ensure that there is good resolution in the lowest 3 km

of the atmosphere (at least 8 model layers) and adequate resolution throughout the troposphere.

Page 6.

We have used 23 layers for most of our preliminary experiments. By reducing the number of

vertical layers, we can decrease the 'runtime" of the model. We will conduct sensitivity

experiments to determine the optimal number and location of model layers, and the horizontal

resolution, which will permit completion of the 36-hour simulation before the next cycle of

upper-air observations. We anticipate that the eventual 'optimized' configuration will consist of

an outer grid with a horizontal resolution of approximately 36-45 km, and an inner grid with a

resolution of 12-15 km. Note that mm5 requires a 3:1 outer grid-to-inner grid ratio.

2.2 Initial Data Programs

One of the most important parts of this project is to port the NCAR initial data programs

(Datagrid, Rawins, and Interp) to our HP workstations. Workstation versions of these programs,

which were written for the CRAY supercomputer, have not yet been officially released by the

Mesoscale and Microscale Meteorology Division of NCAR. Other researchers have ported these

programs to IBM, DEC, and SGI workstations. Don Schleede at SUNY Brockport is converting

the Fortran code for the initial data programs to HP Fortran. The programs will be modified,

where necessary, to apply to operational forecasting of lake-effect snowstorms. For example, an

efficient method will be included to input the latest information concerning lake temperature and

the distribution of ice cover on all of the Great Lakes. We will search through several data bases

for Great Lakes water temperature, snow cover data, and lake ice cover. We expect that some of

this data will be available on a daily basis from the Great Lakes Environmental Research Labora

tory (GLERL) at the University of Michigan and from the NOAA Ice Center at Suitland, MD.

Using the program Datagrid, we compute a 'first guess' field for the objective analysis on

constant pressure surfaces. In a research mode, scientists typically use data from the archive of

NGM analyses available at NCAR. We receive NGM and ETA model analyses and forecasts

from Unidata with backup capability directly from NMC. Since the initial analyses are not

available until about 4 hours after the observation time, we will use the 12-hour forecast from the

previous NGM or ETA model run as input to our version of Datagrid.

We complete the objective analysis using the program Rawins together with the most recent

surface and upper-air observations to 'correct' the first guess supplied by Datagrid. We will test

the effectiveness of using the Cressman objective analysis option versus the multi-quadric analysis

option (Nuss and Titley, 1994) for several lake-effect snowstorm case studies. The latter analysis

scheme may be better suited to the lake-effect snow forecast problem because of the scarcity of

upper-air observations over Canada. The program Interp is used to interpolate the analysis on

pressure coordinates (from Rawins) to the sigma levels of the model.

2.3 Model Physics

The high-resolution scheme of Blackadar (Zhang and Anthes, 1982) is used to compute

surface fluxes, the height of the planetary boundary layer, and turbulent transports of heat,

moisture and momentum within the PBL. A surface energy budget is used to predict the

Page 7.

the ground temperature. We are testing a version of the Blackadar scheme which has been

modified to treat the case of the exceptionally large air-water temperature differences which we

sometimes encounter over the Great Lakes in winter.

The explicit moisture scheme is used to predict precipitation, calculate cloud water content,

and to account for the release of latent heat. In the simple ice scheme (Dudhia, 1992), clouds are

composed entirely of liquid droplets and precipitation is all rain if the temperature is warmer than

O"C. Clouds consist entirely of ice crystals and precipitation is all snow if the temperature is

below O"C.

2.4 Post-processing of mm5 Output

Since a program has been written to convert mm5 output files to GEMPAK format (Schleede,

et al., 1995), we can run any GEMPAK program to produce graphical displays of mm5 output.

The versatility of GEMPAK allows for a wealth of displays including multiple analyses of model

output on horizontal or vertical cross sections, model-generated soundings, and looping of any

field. Difference fields of model output minus observed data may also be displayed.

2.5 Transfer of Graphics Piles to NWS

At the present time, both NWS Buffalo and NWS Binghamton have 56-KB lines for Internet

communication. NWS Eastern Region Headquarters is also in the process of establishing a Wide

Area Network (WAN). Plans for this WAN, which will consist of a frame relay network with an

initial bandwidth of 56 KB with burst rates of 128 KB, also include an Internet Gateway. Since

there will be times when the network is slow, we will establish two lists of products for electronic

transfer to Buffalo and Binghamton. The 'long list', consisting of the complete set of GEMPAK

metafiles ordered by NWS, will be sent when network communication is normal. A 'short' list

of the most essential graphics products (e.g., the loop of hourly precipitation on the nested grid)

will be sent when the network is slow or subject to frequent outages. NWS forecasters, in

consultation with GEMPAK programmers, will make the final decision as to which products are

on which list. In the event of prolonged network failure, we will use telephone data lines (or

facsimile) to transmit the graphics.

2.6 Model Verification and Evaluation

The mm5 predictions on the nested grid will provide the first opportunity to use high-

resolution model output for operational forecasting for many NWS forecasters. We expect that

forecasters will learn to make good use of the mm5 output after learning the strengths and

weaknesses of the model as applied to lake-effect snow simulation. Forecasters at Buffalo and

Binghamton will evaluate the model performance by assembling case studies including regional

surface analyses, snowfall reports, satellite photographs, and WSR-88D data from Binghamton,

Buffalo, and West Leyden. Of particular interest is determining the ability of the model to

predict the onset time, shift of location, and precipitation rate from snowbands downwind of

Page 8.

Lakes Erie and Ontario. In addition, the ability of the model to predict the height of the capping

inversion, the low-level wind field in the vicinity of the snowband, and the distribution of

temperature and humidity downwind of the lakes will be evaluated. Once the modeling system is

'frozen', we expect that forecasters will learn how to adjust their forecasts based on a knowledge

of model biases and systematic errors.


We propose a 3-year project beginning 1 January 1996. During the first half of Year 1, we

will concentrate on testing various grid configurations, minimizing model runtime, and stream

lining the operational procedure. We will develop efficient scripts to automate model setup and

post-processing, During this period, we will train faculty and students in operating the modeling

system. We will simulate a few lake-effect snow events during the first two months using a

preliminary version of the model. This will enable us to find out right away whether there are

any serious problems with initialization, post-processing of model output, and transmission of the

forecast products to forecasters at the times they when need it most. We expect to get some early

feed-back from forecasters on the benefits and limitations of using mm5 predictions in an

operational environment. We plan to hold the first joint seminar in late April 1996 to discuss use

of the modeling system, and to review lake-effect events during the 1995-96 winter season.

During Summer 1996, we will do case study analyses and model evaluation for these events. We

will also carry out sensitivity studies with mm5 to determine whether a change in the input data,

model physics, or grid configuration leads to a significant improvement in model predictions.

The final version of the modeling system will be ready before the beginning of the 1996-97

lakeeffect snow season. We expect to hold the second joint seminar in October 1996 to explain

any and all changes that have been made in the modeling system and post-processing procedure.

Work on case study analysis and model evaluation will also be presented at this seminar.

We expect that at least 12 significant lake-effect snowstorms will need to be simulated in an

operational environment before we can make a valid assessment of the usefulness of the mm5

modeling system. The events should cover a wide range of synoptic-scale conditions and storm

intensities. The likelihood of having this many significant events to simulate will be much

greater if the project covers two full lake-effect snow seasons. Therefore, we propose a three-

year project so that we will be able to run mm5 operationally during the winters of 1996-97 and

1997-98. The project schedule is outlined in the table below:

Project Task        Year 1        Year 2          Year 3

 Develop and test mm5|***********     |               |               |

Run mm5 operationally|            ****|*****      ****|***************|

  Case study analysis|      **********|***************|***************|

  gempak/mm5 training|****************|***************|***************|

  NWS/university fcst|      **********|***************|***************|
technique development

Page 9.

Much time will be needed for case study analysis, model evaluation, and the writing of

journal articles. Most of this work will be done during Summer 1997 and during all of 1998.

The GEMPAK training and the instruction in using mm5 predictions will be an ongoing task

that can begin soon after the project starts. On several occasions, faculty and staff from SUNY

Brockport and/or SUNY Oswego will travel to NWS Buffalo and NWS Binghamton on days

when a group forecasters will be available to receive training. Some of the GEMPAK and mm5

training will take place at the colleges when NWS forecasters can make trips to SUNY Brockport

or SUNY Oswego.

Trips to NWS Buffalo and NWS Binghamton for demonstrations of GOES-8 and WSR-88D

applications, and explanation of NWS forecast and warning techniques will be scheduled at times

when most students are on campus, and when NWS personnel are available. It may be possible

to combine one of these meetings with the October 1996 seminar on the final modeling system.

NWS forecasters will travel to the universities to present seminars to meteorology students and

faculty on forecast technique development. In some cases, these trips will coincide with meetings

between forecasters and researchers to discuss the progress of the modeling effort.


The relationship between project tasks has been described in Section 2. A broad outline of

the roles of the universities and the National Weather Service is summarized below.

4.1 Role of the Universities

The universities will provide expertise in numerical modeling, data management, GEMPAK

programming, and UNIX systems administration for the purpose of developing and testing a

workstation version of the Penn StatelNCAR mesoscale modeling system (rxm5ws). University

participants will run mm5 on a workstation at SUNY Brockport or SUNY Oswego, at the request

of forecasters from NWS Buffalo and/or NWS Binghamton, during periods of significant lake-

effect snow potential, and transmit mm5 output in the form of GEMPAK-generated metafiles

electronically to NWS offices in a timely manner. Faculty and students at the universities will

participate in model evaluation and in case study development for selected lake-effect snow

events. University faculty, as well as the Research Associate, will train NWS forecasters at

NWS offices in Buffalo and Binghamton and on the college campuses in using GEMPAK and

Ntrans and in interpreting mm5 model output.

4.2 Role of the National Weather Service

Forecasters at WSFO Buffalo and Binghamton will evaluate the usefulness of mm5 predic

tions in making lake-effect snow forecasts and in issuing lake-snow advisories. Forecasters will

attempt to identify biases and systematic errors in mm5 predictions and report these problems to

Page 10.

university researchers. Forecasters will make recommendations as to which sets of graphical

products are most useful, and which products should be available at critical rimes in the

operational forecast cycle.

4.3 Contributions of the University

1) SUNY Oswego has approved a partial waiver of indirect costs in support of this project. For

each year, SUNY Oswego will waive $1912 from the full indirect cost of $3725. SUNY Brock-

port will waive $3115 of overhead in Year 1, $3380 of overhead in Year 2, and $2704 of

overhead in Year 3.

2) The time of 5 undergraduate meteorology majors. The students from SUNY Oswego and

SUNY Brockport will be trained to activate the modeling system when faculty are unavailable.

Students from Oswego, Brockport, and Cornell will assist faculty in lake-effect snowstorm case

study development and in evaluation of the numerical model.

3) The time of 3 faculty members. Dr. Ballentine will design the mm5 grid configuration, test

model physics options, supervise student operators at SUNY Oswego, participate in case study

development, and train NWS forecasters in using GEMPAK and interpreting mm5 output. Dr.

Maliekal will donate his time, at no cost during Year 1, to supervise student operators at

Brockport. He will supervise students involved in model evaluation and case study analysis

during Year 2 and Year 3. Dr. Colucci will supervise a student at Cornell working on lake-effect

snow in the Finger Lakes region during Year 1, and he will supervise students working on model

evaluation and case study analysis during Year 2 and Year 3. Dr. Colucci will donate his time at

no cost.

4) The time of the Research Associate. Donald Schleede will convert the NCAR initial data

programs to workstation format, solve any problems related to acquisition and preparation of

model initial data, write a UNIX script to automate model operation, write a script to generate a

set of GEMPAK metafiles from model output, and optimize the mm5 code to minimize model


5) University workstations and software development. The modeling system will be run on the

HP workstation at SUNY Brockport with the HP workstation at SUNY Oswego as a backup. A

program to convert mm5 output to GEMPAK format, and a program to make it possible to use

NWS data to initialize the mm5 model will be donated by the Research Associate.

4.4 Contributions of the National Weather Service

1) Time of WSFO forecasters to display graphical forecast products using Ntrans and to attempt

to integrate these mm5 predictions into the regular cycle of operational forecasts and advisories.

page 11.

2) Time of WSFO meteorologists to evaluate the usefulness of the mm5 predictions, and to

discuss operational problems in using mm5 predictions with university researchers.

3) Time of WSFO meteorologists to write papers and make conference presentations on lake-

effect snow case studies and on the usefulness and limitations of short-term mm5 predictions.

4) Time of WSFO meteorologists to host visits by university students and faculty at NWS offices

and to travel to the universities to present seminars on using WSR-88D and GOES-8, and to

discuss developments in specialized forecast and warning techniques.

5) Time of WSFO meteorologists to archive WSR-88D data, GOES-8 imagery, and reports from

the New York State Snow Spotters Network to provide 'ground truth' for precipitation.


5.1 Project Participants

Jeff Waldstreicher

Jeff Waldstreicher has been Science and Operations Officer at the National Weather Service in

Binghamton, NY since March 1993. Previous assignments include: Scientific Services Division,

NWS Eastern Region Headquarters, Bohemia, NY, 1989-1993; National Weather Service

Forecast Office, Boston MA, 1987-1989; and the Techniques Development Laboratory - Local

Applications Branch, National Weather Service Headquarters, Silver Spring, MD, 1984-85. He

has written several articles on winter and severe weather forecast techniques, including editing

and co-authoring a Cpaper series on forecasting winter weather in the eastern United States for

Weather and Forecasting. During the winter of 1994-95, he lead a COMET Partners Project

with the State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry in

Syracuse, NY entitled '.1 Preliminary Investigation of WSR-88D Data for Winter Hydrometeor-

ological Events in Upstate New York.

Edward Mahonev

Ed Mahoney arrived as the Science and Operations Officer of the National Weather Service in

Buffalo during this past year. Graduating from SUNY Albany and the University of Oklahoma,

he started his professional career as a Wing Weather Officer in the Air Weather Service and was

eventually responsible for the deployment of the WSR-74C weather radar at selected Air Force

installations. In the late 1980's he was the Operations Test Director for the Air Force Test and

Evaluation Center (AFOTEC) of NEXRAD that assessed the 'fly-off' between UNISYS and

Raytheon Doppler weather radar designs. Ed transferred to the National Weather Service where

he helped design and implement the WSR-88D Doppler Radar Hotline. He has published several

articles in Federal Meteorological Handbook No. 11, and he served as Editor and contributing

author to the WSR-88D Operational Support Facility's Tales from the Hotline.

Page 12.

Thomas Niziol

Tom Niziol has been employed at the National Weather Service in Buffalo, NY for the past

15 years, where he is currently a Lead Forecaster and the lake-effect snow focal point. He has

published numerous articles in professional journals about the characteristics and the operational

forecasting of lake-effect snow. In addition, he has served as the National Weather Service

principal investigator for various research projects on the eastern Great Lakes.

Robert Ballentine

Robert Ballentine is an Associate Professor of Earth Sciences at SUNY Oswego. IIe has over

20 years of experience designing, testing and running numerical models. He has written articles

on New England coastal frontogenesis and lake-effect snowband simulation. He is currently co-

PI . and project director at SUNY Oswego, for a 3-year NSF grant to study the dynamics and

structure of winter storms in the Great Lakes region.

Steven Colucci is an Associate Professor of Atmospheric Sciences at Cornell University. He

has written articles on synoptic-scale phenomena, and on the evaluation of numerical models. He

is currently PI of a 3-year NSF project to study the utility of eta-model forecast ensembles. Prof.

Colucci has more than 15 years experience supervising undergraduate research projects.

Jose Maliekal

Dr. Maliekal is an Assistant Professor of Earth Sciences at SUNY Brockport. He is currently

the PI for a National Science Foundation grant on tropical climatology. He has experience in

supervising undergraduate research assistants.

Donald Schleede

Don Schleede has several years experience in systems administration and scientific program-

ming. He has made conference presentations on the use of computer methods in meteorology and

on using GEMPAK to display mm5 output. He was a technical consultant at Unidata's Northeast

Regional Workshop at SUNY Brockport in August 1993. He is currently the Research Associate

for two National Science Foundation research grants at SUNY Brockport.

5.2 References cited in the text

Ballentine, R.,T.Niziol, and G.Byrd, 1993: A COMET Outreach Partners Project to Develop

Cooperation Between the National Weather Service Forecast Office at Buffalo New York

and the Meteorology Programs at the State University of New York (SUNY) Colleges at

Oswego and Brockport. Final Report to the COMET Outreach Program Office.

Dudhia, J., 1989: Numerical study of convection observed during the winter monsoon experiment

using a mesoscale two-dimensional model. J. Atmos.Sci., 46, 3077-3107.

Page 13.

Haagenson,P.L.,J.Dudhia,G.Grell and D.Stauffer, 1994: The Penn Stare/NCAR mesoscale model

(mm5) source code documentation. NCAR Technical Note, NCAR/TN-392 +STR, 200pp.

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5.3 Other References Related to this Proposal

Ballentine, R., 1980: A numerical investigation of New England coastal frontogenesis. Mon.

Wea. Rev., 108, 1479-1497.

Ballentine, R., 1982: Numerical simulation of land breeze-induced snowbands along the western

shore of Lake Michigan. Mon. Wea. Rev., 110, 1544-1553.

Ballentine,R. ,E.Chermack,A. Stamm,D.Frank,M. Thomas,and G.Beck,1992: Preliminary

numerical simulations of the 31 January 1991 lake-effect snowstorm. Proceedings: 49th

Eastern Snow Conference, Oswego, NY.

Ballenline,R.,G.Byrd, and T.Niziol, 1993: An operational forecast model for lake-effect snow

storms. 12th AMS Conference on Weather Analysis and Forecasting, Vienna, VA.

Ballentine,R. ,A.Stamm,D.Schleede, and G.Byrd, 1994: Numerical simulation of the 45 January

1994 East Coast snowstorm. IOth AMS Conf. on Numerical Weather Prediction, Seattle.

Page 14.

Ballentine,R.,D.Schleede.L.Keshishian,G. and J.Case, 1995: Simulation of lake effect

snowstorms using mm5. Fifth PSU/NCAR Mesoscale Model Users Workshop, Boulder,CO.

Byrd,G., Bikos,D., Schleede,D., and Ballentine, 1995: Numerical investigation of lake-lake

interaction. 13th AMS Conf. on Weather Analysis and Forecasting. Dallas.

Nouck,R.E., J.S.Waldstreicher, J.M.Hassett, and P.F.Blotman, 1995: Preliminary investigation

of WSR-88D data for winter hydrometeorological events in upstate New York. Proceedings,

52nd Eastern Snow Conference. Toronto, Ontario, Canada. (In press).

Maglaras, G.J., J.S.Waldstreicher, P.J.Kocin, A.F.Gigi, and R.A.Marine, 1995: Winter weather

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10, 5-20.

Niziol, T.A., 1987: Operational forecasting of lake-effect snow in western and central New

York. Wea. Forecasting, 1, 311-321.

Niziol, T.A. and S.F.McLaughlin, 1992: The use of high resolution data from the Nested Grid

Model for the prediction of lake-effect snows. Postprints. 3rd NWS Winter Workshop,

Portland, OR, NOAA/NWS, 179192.

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