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I am pleased to offer congressional internships to those seeking legislative experience at my office in Washington, Tucson and Somerton. Internships provide a tremendous opportunity to learn about the legislative process and to become more familiar with how our government operates.  All intern duties are crucial to the day-to-day functioning of our congressional offices.

Internship Experience 
Interns in my Washington office will work closely with our legislative and press staff on a variety of issues. In addition to their work with the staff, interns will be asked to perform various administrative tasks that generally include answering the office phones, opening and distributing mail, and responding to constituent correspondence. D.C. internships are available throughout the year for variable lengths of time. Preference is given to students and individuals from Arizona's 3rd Congressional District, though consideration is given to all qualified applicants. Interns are unpaid and are responsible for lodging and transportation.

At the district offices in Tucson and Somerton interns will aid staff members to provide constituent services to the Third Congressional District. Interns also perform administrative tasks and may be asked to work on special projects for public outreach, events and other issues that concern the District. Internships for the Tucson and Somerton offices are available at the beginning of each semester. All internships are unpaid.

For positions in my Washington, D.C., office, please submit a cover letter, resume, and a short writing sample to Cristina Villa at

For positions in my Tucson, Arizona, office, please submit an application form, cover letter, resume, and a short writing sample to Alexandra Martinez at

For positions in my Somerton, Arizona, office, please submit an application form, cover letter, resume, and a short writing sample to Martha Garcia at


Padilla, Spring 2011 - "During my time in Congressman Grijalva’s office I worked on policy, helped staff members draft amendments andpress releases, and met with leaders from health organizations.  Having the opportunity to meet with national representatives of organizations I have volunteered for back in Tucson enriched my understanding of the impact government has on our local community.  I will return home to Arizona this fall to begin graduate school with a deeper understanding of health policy issues. I know that this knowledge will empower me in my work to improve the health of my own community. 

Jessica, Fall 2010 - “Being an intern at the Congressman’s office was a life changing experience. It not only taught me about the role of the national government in everyday life, but also showed me the amount of commitment the people working in such offices have for theirconstituents. It highlighted the importance of an engaged civil society, and clarified the role of politics in my life. The internship made me yearn for a career in the public sphere”.

Alex, Spring 2011 - “Interning for Congressman Grijalva has been an insightful experience into the world of constituency services.  I highly recommend interning to anyone interested in joining our field.  Congressman Grijalva has become a great mentor and the work he does for Arizona’s District 7 is extremely admirable.”

Joe, Summer Session I 2011: "My internship in Congressman Grijalva’s office gave me a valuable view inside the political world of our nation’s capital.  I got to see the workings of our federal government up close and behind the scenes.  Also, being from Tucson, specifically from Congressman Grijalva’s district, my experience was especially interesting.  I got to communicate and interact with real people with real issues from my home district."
Malia, Spring 2011 - "Being an intern for Congressman Grijalva has been a rewarding experience. I’ve developed new skills working with the local community and federal agencies, and perfected existing skills that will all be effective in a future career. I have a better understanding of what a political career entails, strategic planning, legislation making and implementing, and community empowerment. This is a great internship for individuals interested in professional development in whatever field they desire to enter."