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Library > Freedom of Information > Guide for FOIA requesters

This guidance is intended to assist you in making Freedom of Information Act requests for Headquarters, Air Combat Command records.

The request must be made in writing. No telephone requests will be accepted. If you do not know the exact title of the document you are seeking, you should provide a reasonable description of the document. The more information you can provide, the more expeditiously your request will be processed. FOIA pertains to existing records only and does not require agencies to create new records to comply with a request. It also does not require agencies to collect information they do not have or to do research or analyze data for a requester.
All requests should include the following information:

- Requester’s name, address, and telephone number (military members and DoD civilians cannot use their work center as a mailing address nor can they use government equipment to generate the request) 

- A description of the records sought. The records should be identified as specifically as possible. A request for specific records can be processed quicker than a request for "all information" on a particular subject. Also fees for a more specific and limited request will generally be less. 

- A statement concerning your willingness to pay applicable fees for your category (commercial, educational, or other). If you seek a fee waiver, provide a detailed justification for such a waiver (i.e., Why do you consider the release of the information to you in the public interest? How will the information contribute significantly to public understanding of the operations or activities of Air Combat Command or the Air Force? Will the information be primarily used for a commercial interest? How will the information be disseminated to the general public?" See DoD Regulation 5400.7/Air Force Supplement, Chapter 6 for specific guidance.  

An individual may submit a FOIA request to HQ ACC by mail, fax, or electronic mail:
Mailing address: HQ ACC/SCXP (FOIA)180 Benedict Avenue, Suite 210Langley AFB VA 23665-1993 

Fax number: (757) 764-0706 

E-Mail address:  

Privacy Act Statement
Authority: 10 USC 8013 and 5 USC 552 

Principal Purpose: To obtain necessary information so that a response can be provided to your FOIA request 

Routine Use: Your request may be referred to another Federal agency if the record(s) you seek originated with that agency. 

Disclosure: Voluntary. However, no reply can be given if the information is not furnished.

The ACC FOIA Manager may be contacted at (757) 764-2265 or 2261 for status on ongoing requests or answer any FOIA questions you may have.

BILLING INFORMATION: The last paragraph of our response letter will contain a breakdown of the fees charged, along with detailed payment information. A separate invoice will not be sent.

EXEMPT INFORMATION UNDER THE FOIA:Under the FOIA, certain records may be withheld in whole or in part from the requester if they fall within one of the nine FOIA exemptions. The exemptions are outlined in DoD Regulation 5400.7/Air Force supplement, Chapter 3.  


Can we ask questions under the FOIA? The FOIA does not require Federal Agencies to answer questions, render opinions, or provide subjective evaluations. Requesters must ask for existing records. However, efforts will be made to search for records that may answer the questions.

Does Air Combat Command maintain a separate IMPAC cardholder listing? No, the 1st Fighter Wing maintains the list for both base and command personnel. 

Is Air Combat Command responsible for all contracts issued for Langley AFB? No. ACC is only responsible for contracts with "F44650" and “FA4890” prefixes; requests for "F44600" and “FA4800” contracting information should be sent to: 1 CS/SCSR (FOIA), 175 Sweeney Building, Room 110, Langley AFB VA 23665

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