Congressman Keith Rothfus

Representing the 12th District of Pennsylvania

In The News

Jan 24, 2013 In The News

NEW CASTLE – A bus nearly filled to capacity will be making the trip from New Castle to Washington, D.C., on Friday for the national March for Life.

Jan 24, 2013 In The News
Republicans including Rep. Keith Rothfus of Sewickley said the legislation forces government to live within its means so that the economy can grow.
Jan 24, 2013 In The News
“I voted to hold all representatives and senators personally responsible if they fail to pass an annual budget,” said Rothfus, the 12th district’s representative. “It’s pretty simple: No budget, no pay. We need to rightsize the federal government and force it to live within its means so that we can grow our economy, get our neighbors back to work, and respect hardworking taxpayers, and this legislation is an important first step in that direction.”