Tag Archives: Trade

Vroom…Auto Industry Shows Growth

By Terri On October 4, 2011, the Full Report on Manufacturer’s Shipments, Inventories and Orders for August 2011 was released. Preliminary estimates show January – August 2011 shipments of transportation equipment were $365.8 billion, up 4.1% over the $351.3 billion … Continue reading

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U.S. Working with Canada to Improve Trade Statistics!

By Melissa In my previous post, The United States – Canada Data Exchange, we went over the agreement between the U.S. and Canada to exchange import statistics. Let’s now talk briefly about the operations involved in the data exchange that help … Continue reading

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Can the U.S. Customs Broker be the USPPI?

By Melannie Did you know that the U.S. Customs Broker can be listed as the USPPI when reporting export information  in the AES? Well, as Sean mentioned in his October 13, 2010 blog entitled “Who is the USPPI Anyway?“  the U.S. … Continue reading

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Get Ready to Floss

By: Terri Do you remember your last visit to the dentist’s office? Dentist: I noticed a bit of plaque build-up. Have you been flossing twice a day? (awkward silence) You: Um… I ran out and I just can’t find any … Continue reading

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Are Your Rough Diamonds Kimberley Process Certified?

By Erin Almost everyone loves a diamond whether it’s been cut and polished or still in its rough form. However, those beautiful diamonds can go through an involved process before they are sent to your local jewelry store. If you … Continue reading

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Trade deficit decreases to $39.3 billion in November

by Joe The U.S. international trade deficit decreased to $38.3 billion in November 2010 , as exports increased more than imports.  Exports increased 0.8% from October 2010 to $159.6 billion, and imports increased 0.6% to $198.0 billion.  The trade surplus … Continue reading

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Trade deficit decreases in October

By Joe The U.S. international trade deficit Latest U.S. International Trade in Goods and Services Report , as exports increased and imports decreased.  Exports increased 3.2% from September 2010 to $158.7 billion, and imports decreased 0.8% to $197.4 billion. The … Continue reading

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Visit the Census Bureau at ASBDC 2010

By: Joe If you are lucky enough to be attending the Association of Small Business Development Centers San Antonio on September 21 – 24, you will have a chance to visit with several members of the U.S. Census Bureau’s Foreign … Continue reading

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How to Catch a Blooper

By David If you are reading this blog, I can safely assume that you are a human. As a human, I can also assume that you have made a mistake or two in your day. If you have happened to … Continue reading

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