Smith: Amnesty Kills American Jobs
February 12, 2013  - Congressman Lamar Smith (R-Texas) today issued the below statement in response to President Obama’s continued calls for amnesty. Congressman Smith: “If the President was serious about creating jobs and spurring economic growth, amnesty for illegal immigrants would not be on his agenda. “The Presiden...More

Smith: President’s Policies Should Put Americans First
February 11, 2013  - Congressman Lamar Smith (R-Texas) today called on President Obama to put the American people first when it comes to his immigration policies. The President is expected to continue his push for amnesty for 11 million illegal immigrants during his State of the Union Address tomorrow. Congressman Smith...More

Rep. Smith to President Obama: Balance the Budget
February 6, 2013  - Congressman Lamar Smith (R-Texas) today voted in favor of legislation that requires President Obama to produce a plan for a balanced budget. The Require a PLAN Act (H.R. 444) directs the President to provide a balanced budget plan to Congress by April 1, 2013. The bill passed the House of Representa...More

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