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Data Transition
GOES-R Rebroadcast (GRB) Transition Information
The content distributed by GRB will be the full set of level 1b products, including data from all ABI channels and the other GOES-R instruments (GLM, MAG, SEISS, SUVI, EXIS).
GOES users must acquire new hardware, or upgrade their existing GVAR systems in order to receive GOES-R data.
Existing GVAR systems will need new receiver antenna hardware, as well as new signal demodulation hardware and computer hardware so that they are able to handle the large amount of GOES-R data.
CLASS will provide permanent archive for GOES-R data as part of its mission to be the single data repository for NOAA.
   GVAR GOES-R Rebroadcast (GRB)
Full Disc Image 30 minutes 5 minutes (Mode 4), 15 min. (Mode 3)
Other modes Rapid Scan,
Super Rapid Scan
3000 km x 5000 km CONUS: 5 min
1000 km x 1000 km Mescoscale: 30 sec
Polarization Linear Dual circular
Receive Frequency 1685.7 MHz (L-band) 1690 MHz (L-band)
Packetization GVAR Blocks CCSDS 133.0-8-1
Data Compression None Lossless compression
Data Rate 2.11 Mbps ~28.4 Mbps (31 Mbps link rate)
Antenna Coverage Earth coverage to 5° Earth coverage to 5°
Data Sources Imager and Sounder SXI
(MDL Link) SEM & Magnetometer
(PCM / Telemetry link)
Space Weather None ~2 Mbps
Lightning Data None ~0.5 Mbps
   GOES-R Rebroadcast Components Potential Uses
Left-Hand Circular Polarization (LHCP) Data
  ABI 0.64 µm band* Daytime cloud imaging
  ABI 3.9 µm band* Surface and cloud / fog at night: fire
  ABI 6.185 µm band* Uppertropospheric water vapor
  ABI 7.34 µm band Lowertropospheric water vapor; SO2 detection
  ABI 11.2 µm band* Total water; clouds
  ABI 12.3 µm band Total water; ash; sea surface temperature
  ABI 13.3 µm band* Air temperature; cloud heights
Right-Hand Circular Polarization (RHCP) Data
  ABI 0.47 µm band Daytime aerosol-on-land / coastal watermapping
  ABI 0.865 µm band Daytime vegetation; aerosol-on-water
  ABI 1.378 µm band Daytime cirrus clouds
  ABI 1.61 µm band Daytime cloud water; snow
  ABI 2.25 µm band Daytime land/cloud properties; particle size; vegetation
  ABI 6.95 µm band Middle tropospheric water vapor
  ABI 8.5 µm band Total water for stability; cloud phase; dust; SO2
  ABI 9.61 µm band Total ozone
  ABI 10.35 µm band Supports 11.2 and 12.3 µm bands to enhance cloud particle size measures
  Lightning Detection: Events and Flashes Geostationary detection of lightning events and flashes
  Enegetic Heavy Ions Measures energetic heavy ions (10-200 MeV/n) in 4 mass groups:
He, (C, N, O), Ne-S, and Fe
  Magnetospheric Electrons and Protons:
Low Energy
Measures electrons and protons in the 30 eV - 30 keV range
  Magnetospheric Electrons and Protons:
Medium and High Energy
Measures electrons in the 30eV - 4 MeV range
Measures protons in the 30eV - 1 MeV range
  Solar and Galactic Protons Measures solar energetic protons and galactic cosmic ray protons (1 MeV - 500 MeV)
  Geomagnetic Field Measures Earth's magnetic field and it's variations at geosynchronous orbit
  Solar Flux: EUV Measures disk-integrated solar extreme ultraviolet flux
  Solar Flux: X-ray Measures solar images in the X-ray region
* included in eGVAR
Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM) Solar Ultraviolet Imager (SUVI) / Extreme
Ultraviolet and X-ray Irradiance Sensor (EXIS)
Space Environment In-Situ Suite (SEISS) Magnetometer
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