Hot model in hot water

Football with remote and chips
What can I say? This dude knows how to throw a party.At least that’s the general feeling of the 30 or so individuals who partook in the Joneses’ Super Bowl XLVI fiesta.The three rules I shared last week certainly played a role in our success. Minus a few diatribes into politics, the game was the focus of attention; there was no need to escape upstairs or into the guest bathroom. The kids’ area proved more than adequate. And the food was pretty outstanding.

It stinks that I wasn’t able to use any of the crab legs recipes you provided, but I had no idea those tasty appendages were going for about the same rate as saffron or gold — $20 per pound, which is roughly $7 per leg. So, we called an audible and went with crab cakes, which apparently fit better with our Maryland theme. Berger Cookies and “Old Bay on everything” mantra helped as well.

I did go with Candy Bright’s meatball recipe featuring plum jelly and chili sauce, and I have to say the whole simpler-the-better approach worked because the sauce was fantastic and is currently being used on everything from pita bread to the scores of chicken wings we’re still finishing.

LESSON LEARNED: Either make it clear you are providing the chicken wings, or delegate what guests should bring. It may seem tyrannical, but if you don’t, you’ll end up with 12 platters of wings and no deviled eggs.

The game itself was about what I expected. I thought there would be a few more touchdowns, but in the end the Giants were the better team. The scores of analysts said about the same thing during their post-game roundups.

Interesting enough, the best analysis didn’t come from a future hall-of-famer or ornery former coach. They all seemed way too focused on the idea of Eli Manning already being a HoFer or the even more absurd notion that he is now better than his brother Peyton, as if none of them watched the Colts play this year.

Ironically, the most interesting perspective came from supermodel Gisele Bundchen. Unlike professional analysts who oftentimes avoid pinning the loss on one particular group or player, Bundchen, the wife of Patriots quarterback Tom Brady, was very specific with who she felt deserved blame for the loss: Everyone on the team except for Tom Terrific, but particularly that group of stone hands he was throwing to.

“My husband cannot (expletive) throw the ball and catch the ball at the same time. … I can’t believe they dropped the ball so many times,” the Brazilian bombshell said after being heckled by a dork after the game.

Here’s the video in case you are curious: .

First off, let me reiterate that the dude heckling Bundchen is a scrub who is obviously not supermodel material.

Nevertheless, I do take issue with Gisele’s remarks for two reasons. One, why can’t Tom throw and catch the ball at the same time? Former WWE superstar “Mr. Perfect” Curt Hennig did it all the time. Check out

Second, dork boy is right. Eli does own Brady. And that has some serious NFL implications. Sure, Tom is still heading to Canton, but there is no way he’s going in as the best ever, which was the opinion du jour among analysts heading into Sunday’s game. But how can you be the best ever when it’s not even clear you’re the best of your generation?

However, Tom’s place in history isn’t his biggest issue right now. How and the heck is he going to handle his wife after she threw his team under the bus and then backed over his favorite receiver, Wes Welker, a few times for good measure? My guess is she’ll have some leeway, being that she is the most super of supermodels and all.

But he is Tom Brady. A fairly good-looking man in his own right who happens to be a three-time Super Bowl champion and Michigan man.

So I’m thinking he has a little more hand in this partnership than the average schlepper, who would be thankful just to be with a model. Therefore, he should be able to give Gisele a little more than a sour look and cold shoulder.

Beyond that, I don’t know how it’s going to play out, but I’m guessing Dr. Phil and TMZ will break it all down for us.

At least I’m hoping so.

If you have comments on this or anything to do with sports, contact me at

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