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Press and Photo Releases 2012

Director of White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships to Visit Philippines

Manila, September 3, 2012 --- Special Assistant to U.S. President Barack Obama and Executive Director of the White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships Joshua DuBois will visit the Philippines from September 4-6. Mr. DuBois’s visit, which is being coordinated through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), will focus on efforts to combat human trafficking and fostering greater collaboration with faith-based organizations and leaders in the Philippines.

During his visit, Mr. DuBois will address an interfaith forum hosted by Ateneo de Zamboanga University.  He will also meet with university students to discuss President Obama’s Interfaith Campus Challenge.  While in Zamboanga, Mr. DuBois will participate in a roundtable discussion on the role of religious groups in peace and development in Mindanao hosted by the Philippine Council for Islam and Democracy. He will also meet with alumni of USAID’s Congressional Internship Program for Young Mindanao Leaders (CIPYML) project.  The CIPYML is a partnership project of the Philippine House of Representatives and USAID that provides young Mindanaoans with training and hands-on experience in policy analysis, development and advocacy to enhance their commitment to democratic values and institutions.

DuBois will travel to Cebu City to discuss anti-human trafficking initiatives with members of the International Justice Mission (an interfaith organization) and local government officials, and members of the business community and civil society organizations.

The President’s Advisory Council on Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships, which held its first meeting on July 30-31, 2012 at the White House, wants to focus increased attention on the issue of human trafficking. “The United States is committed to eradicating trafficking in persons, and we will draw on tools ranging from law enforcement and victim service provision, to public awareness building and diplomatic pressure,” President Obama said in a statement earlier this year.  “Because we know that government efforts are not enough, we are also increasing our partnerships with a broad coalition of local communities, faith-based and non-governmental organizations, schools, and businesses.”

Mr. DuBois is accompanied on his visit to the Philippines by the Director of USAID’s Center for Faith-Based and Community Initiatives, J. Mark Brinkmoeller, and USAID Human Trafficking and Gender Advisor, Veronica Zeitlin.


About USAID:  The American people, through the United States Agency for International Development, have provided economic and humanitarian assistance worldwide for over 50 years. In the Philippines, USAID works in partnership with the national government in creating a more stable, prosperous and well-governed country through programs that promote broad-based and inclusive economic growth, increase peace and stability in Mindanao, and reduce risks from natural disasters.  For more information about USAID’s programs in the Philippines, please visit or contact USAID/Philippines Development Outreach and Communications Unit via email