Privacy and Terms of Use

The Interagency Council on Homelessness respects your right to privacy and will protect it when you visit our web site. Here are some things you should know about how we protect your privacy.


When you send us e-mail we won't keep or share your e-mail address with anyone outside of our staff and its contractors. We'll only use your e-mail address to respond to your requests for information.

If you sign up for one of our (e-)mailing lists, we'll only send you the kinds of information you've requested. We won't maintain your name on the list and won't share your e-mail address with anyone outside the organization.

Information we collect

When you visit our web site we collect certain information about your visit that does not identify you personally. We can tell the type of computer, browser, and web service you are using. We also know the date and time you visit and the pages you visit. Collecting this information helps us design the site according to your needs.

Site security

We monitor visits to the web site to identify any attempt to tamper with it.

When you submit personal information using our web site--for example, if you sign up for a conference online--we have systems that make sure people outside of ICH cannot access your personal information.

We would only try to identify you personally when required to do so by a law enforcement investigation. Any information we collect for those investigations is destroyed according to federal guidelines.

Tampering with ICH's web site is against the law. If anyone tries to tamper with it, they may be punished under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986 and the National Information Infrastructure Protection Act.


USICH’s website - including all online applications and work processes - must comply with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, making content accessible to people with disabilities. Section 508 requires that anyone with disabilities must be able to access and use information and data on a website, comparable to the way people without disabilities can get that information and data, unless it would cause our agency an undue burden.

If you use assistive technology (such as a screen reader, Braille reader, etc.) and have problems accessing information on our website, please contact us and tell us about your problem. Be sure to include the URL (web address) of the material you tried to access and your contact information. We will try to provide the information you are seeking.

Links to other websites

  • Throughout our website, we include links to information on other websites. We provide these links solely to help you find additional information about a topic or next steps. Once you leave USICH’s website, you will be subject to the privacy and security policies of the owners/sponsors of the outside website.
  • USICH cannot control or guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness or completeness of information contained on a linked website.
  • USICH does not endorse the organizations sponsoring linked websites, and we do not endorse the views they express or the products/services they offer.
  • USICH cannot authorize the use of copyrighted materials on linked websites. You will have to request authorization from the sponsor of the linked website.
  • USICH cannot guarantee that outside websites comply with Section 508 (Accessibility Requirements) of the Rehabilitation Act.
  • USICH cannot control or guarantee that the owners of other websites will protect your privacy. You should read their privacy policies when you visit other sites.

USICH’s Linking Policy

  • USICH uses links to other websites if they add value to USICH content and help further the goals and mission of the agency, they help USICH’s website visitors find related information, and they eliminate the need to duplicate information that already exists.
  • We review all of our links at least quarterly, as part of our routine content certification process, to make sure they still work and that they still add value.
  • When we choose a link, we make sure that it will add value, do not exist solely to promote specific products or services, are in good taste, and comply with all laws, regulations, and policies.
  • As a rule, our links do not promote specific for-profit products or services.
  • When we link to a non-federal website, you will see an "interceptor" page that reminds you that you are leaving the USICH website and that USICH does not endorse the organization or content on the site you will see.
  • Because USICH’s Internet website is in the public domain, anyone can link to it or replicate it without permission.
  • If you have or know of a website that you think would add value to the content on USICH’s website, you can send us the link. We will review the site to see if it meets our criteria.

File Formats

  • USICH is committed to providing information and data in formats that most people for whom it is intended can use.
  • When we provide data, we try to provide it in a format that lets the intended audience aggregate, separate, manipulate, and analyze it, as needed, to the extent possible.
  • Some documents on our website are in Portable Document Format (PDF). These documents ensure that you will be able to obtain publications in their original format regardless of what type of computer, browser or operating system you use to access the Internet. In order to view, navigate through and print PDF documents, you must first download the free Acrobat Reader software. Instructions and a troubleshooting guide are available on the Adobe website. For best results, make sure you install version 3.0 or later of the Acrobat Reader. If you're using screenreaders or require alternate versions of Adobe Acrobat, you may find it useful to visit Adobe's alternate reader download page.
  • Some of our documents are in other proprietary formats (that means they use a software that you normally would have to buy, to use the document). When we do post information or data in a proprietary format, we do it only when we are reasonably sure that the intended audience already can access files in that format.

If you have any questions, please contact the Web Manager.