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Questions > FAQ Topic

How can I obtain Air Force lithographs?

We do not provide printed copies of lithographs. For more information, write to:

Superintendent of Documents
U.S. Government Printing Office
P.O. Box 371954
Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954
Phone: (202) 512-1800

How can I obtain U.S. Air Force historical and heraldry information?

Questions can be sent to one of the following agencies:

United States Air Force Historical Research Agency (This office is the repository for heraldry information)
600 Chennault Circle
Maxwell AFB, AL 36112-6424
Phone: (334) 953-2966
DSN: 493-2966

Air Force History Support Office
B-3 Brookley Avenue, Box 94
Bolling AFB, DC 20032-5000
Phone: (202) 404-2264
DSN: 754-2264

For the Department of Defense and other Military Departments, historical files are stored in repositories under the jurisdiction of the National Archives and Records Administration. Information from records maintained by NARA is available to the public. For a nominal fee, NARA will reproduce documents of interest.

National Archives and Records Agency
8th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington DC 20408
Phone: (202) 523-3220

Another source is the Superintendent of Documents, United States Government Printing Office. The GPO stocks and sells over 24,000 different publications, periodicals, and subscription services. Topics range from accidents and accident prevention to zoology, and include military items relating to the topics of interest mentioned in letters to the Department of Defense. A listing of Government periodicals and subscription services sold by GPO is available to citizens at no charge. Citizens are also encouraged to avail themselves of resources of local public and school libraries, many of which routinely receive GPO listings. The address is:

Superintendent of Documents
United States Government Printing Office
Washington, DC 20402
Phone: (202) 512-1800

How I can get copies of U .S. Air Force artwork/ photographs?

We do not provide printed copies of U.S. Air Force artwork/ photographs. You can take electronic copies of photographs/ artwork from our webpage and have them printed out.

NOTE: Not all of our photographs/ artwork is high resolution or resolution independent, so take this into consideration before printing.

If using one of our photographs for a publication, we ask for photo attribution.

You can also check with the Air Force Art Collection at http://www.afapo.hq.af.mil/Presentation/main/Index.cfm.

They have a collection of original paintings they will loan out for extended periods of time to U.S. Air Force bases.

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