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NASA Ames Research Center


See published paper: Kepler-22b: A 2.4 Earth-radius Planet in the Habitable Zone of a Sun-like Star.

System Parameters for Kepler-22b

System parameters for Kepler-22b

Light Curve for Kepler-22b

Kepler-22b Light curve
Figure 1. Light curves for Kepler-22b. Top panel: raw aperture flux time series. Second panel: flux time series after removal of a second-order polynomial for each segment and normalizing the data of each quarter by the median. No occultation is detected at any phase. Red triangles mark the location of each transit, Third panel: Phased light curve. Black dots show the long-cadence data, the green dots show the data averaged into 100 evenly spaced bins in phase. The red line shows the best bit model. Fourth panel: Individual transits show same depth and width consistent with a planetary transit. Fifth panel: folded light curve with model fit in red. Black dots represent individual observations. Dark blue points represent 30-minute binned data, and cyan points represent residuals after fitting. Red asterisk represents the mid-transit times based on the model fit with eccentricity value allowed to float.
Finder Charts [coming soon]